Wolfgang Fuhl

Wolfgang Fuhl

Computer Science
Verified email at uni-tuebingen.de
Cited by 4238
Antonio Dourado

Antonio Dourado

Professor of Informatics Engeneering, University of Coimbra
Verified email at dei.uc.pt
Cited by 3621
Ralf Reulke

Ralf Reulke

Professor für Computer Vision, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Verified email at hu-berlin.de
Cited by 2211
Mohammad Narimani

Mohammad Narimani

Simon Fraser University
Verified email at sfu.ca
Cited by 1082


Kongu Engineering College Erode
Verified email at kongu.edu
Cited by 439
Farzad Kamrani

Farzad Kamrani

KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Verified email at kth.se
Cited by 346
Gabriel Villalonga

Gabriel Villalonga

PhD Researcher
Verified email at cvc.uab.cat
Cited by 231
Sam Gill

Sam Gill

Professor Emeritus
Verified email at sfsu.edu
Cited by 220
Pedro Juan Soto Vega

Pedro Juan Soto Vega

Vision-AD and AutoRob team, L@bisen, ISEN Yncréa Ouest, France
Verified email at isen-ouest.yncrea.fr
Cited by 216
Kumar Alabhya

Kumar Alabhya

Purdue University - West Lafayette
Verified email at purdue.edu
Cited by 193
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