Jane Visvader

Jane Visvader

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Verified email at wehi.edu.au
Cited by 43858
Geoffrey Lindeman

Geoffrey Lindeman

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Royal Melbourne Hospital and Peter MacCallum Cancer …
Verified email at wehi.edu.au
Cited by 33593
Kay-Uwe Wagner

Kay-Uwe Wagner

Professor, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University
Verified email at wayne.edu
Cited by 15719
Stephen R. Davis

Stephen R. Davis

Livestock Improvement Corporation
Verified email at lic.co.nz
Cited by 9029
Jimmie E. Fata

Jimmie E. Fata

Associate Professor, Department of Biology, College of Staten Island, City University of New …
Verified email at csi.cuny.edu
Cited by 6780


Michigan State University
Verified email at msu.edu
Cited by 5780
Craig R Baumrucker

Craig R Baumrucker

Academy Professor , Penn State University
Verified email at psu.edu
Cited by 5253
Hartland Warren Jackson

Hartland Warren Jackson

Investigator, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital
Verified email at lunenfeld.ca
Cited by 3639
K Plaut

K Plaut

Purdue University
Verified email at purdue.edu
Cited by 2351
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