T M Butt

TM Butt

Swansea University
Verified email at swansea.ac.uk
Cited by 13604
Lesley Hoyles

Lesley Hoyles

Professor of Microbiome and Systems Biology, Nottingham Trent University
Verified email at bugs-in-your-guts.com
Cited by 10681
bina joe

bina joe

Distinguished University Professor and Chair
Verified email at utoledo.edu
Cited by 8954
Robert Cichewicz

Robert Cichewicz

Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma
Verified email at ou.edu
Cited by 7314
Prof. Brian D Green

Prof. Brian D Green

Queen's University Belfast
Verified email at qub.ac.uk
Cited by 6812
Sudipto Saha

Sudipto Saha

Associate Professor, Bose Institute, Kolkata
Verified email at jcbose.ac.in
Cited by 5354
kjell sergeant

kjell sergeant

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Verified email at list.lu
Cited by 5032
Mahendra Singh

Mahendra Singh

ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute
Verified email at ndri.res.in
Cited by 4983
Adarsh Sandhu

Adarsh Sandhu

Chief Scientific Officer, Noster Inc, Kyoto
Verified email at noster.inc
Cited by 4186
Kuen-Yuh Wu

Kuen-Yuh Wu

Professor of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, National Taiwan University
Verified email at ntu.edu.tw
Cited by 3925
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