J V Ortiz

JV Ortiz

Ruth W. Molette Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Auburn University
Verified email at auburn.edu
Cited by 90204
Brian K. Kendrick

Brian K. Kendrick

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Verified email at lanl.gov
Cited by 4303
Michael Kellman

Michael Kellman

University of Oregon
Verified email at uoregon.edu
Cited by 3557
Dmitrií A. Sadovskií

Dmitrií A. Sadovskií

Professor, Département de physique, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Dunkerque …
Verified email at univ-littoral.fr
Cited by 2150
Yongle Li (李 永乐)

Yongle Li (李 永乐)

Department of Physics, and International Center of Quantum and Molecular Structures …
Verified email at shu.edu.cn
Cited by 2030
B. Suo

B. Suo

Northwest University
Verified email at nwu.edu.cn
Cited by 1254
Ernest Opoku

Ernest Opoku

Auburn University, United States & Nesvard Institute of Molecular Sciences, Ghana
Verified email at auburn.edu
Cited by 475


Jilin University and Nanyang Technological University
Verified email at mails.jlu.edu.cn
Cited by 245