Zheyu Shen

Zheyu Shen

Southern Medical University
Verified email at smu.edu.cn
Cited by 10802
Olivier Sandre

Olivier Sandre

Senior CNRS researcher
Verified email at enscbp.fr
Cited by 10801
Jean F. Desreux

Jean F. Desreux

Retired Professor of Chemistry, University of Liège, Belgium
Cited by 5707
Luis De Leon Rodriguez

Luis De Leon Rodriguez

University of Auckland
Verified email at auckland.ac.nz
Cited by 3410
yves gossuin

yves gossuin

Charge de cours, umons, belgium
Verified email at umons.ac.be
Cited by 3349
Xiao-an Zhang

Xiao-an Zhang

Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Toronto Scarborough
Verified email at utoronto.ca
Cited by 1727
Lauren Matosziuk

Lauren Matosziuk

Postdoctoral Researcher, Oregon State University
Verified email at oregonstate.edu
Cited by 1403
Peter Harvey

Peter Harvey

Nottingham Research Fellow, University of Nottingham, UK
Verified email at nottingham.ac.uk
Cited by 1064
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