Dae Woo Kim

Dae Woo Kim

Department of chemical and biomolecular engineering, Yonsei university
Verified email at yonsei.ac.kr
Cited by 4530
Nady Fathy

Nady Fathy

Professor of Applied Phyical Chemistry
Verified email at nrc.ci.eg
Cited by 2707
Nuno Lapa

Nuno Lapa

Assistant Professor, LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, NOVA School of Science …
Verified email at fct.unl.pt
Cited by 2682
Kawazoe 川添Yoshiyuki 良幸

Kawazoe 川添Yoshiyuki 良幸

Professor, New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University
Verified email at e-workshop.co.jp
Cited by 1420
Chang Song

Chang Song

Associate Professor, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science
Verified email at sxicc.ac.cn
Cited by 693
Md Ramjan Ali

Md Ramjan Ali

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, DUET, Bangladesh
Verified email at duet.ac.bd
Cited by 162