Zonghoon Lee

Zonghoon Lee

UNIST, Dept of Materials S&E / Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Center for Multidimensional …
Verified email at unist.ac.kr
Cited by 17506
Przemyslaw J. Deren

Przemyslaw J. Deren

Professor of physics at Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research PAS
Verified email at int.pan.wroc.pl
Cited by 4556
Dmytro Grynko

Dmytro Grynko

ISP NAS Ukraine
Verified email at isp.kiev.ua
Cited by 205
Ganesh Gnanavelu

Ganesh Gnanavelu

Excel Engineering College
Verified email at excelcolleges.com
Cited by 94
Saqib Ali

Saqib Ali

Verified email at student.nust.edu.pk
Cited by 66