University of California Los Angeles
Verified email at g.ucla.edu
Cited by 10709
Kea-Tiong Tang

Kea-Tiong Tang

National Tsing Hua University
Verified email at ee.nthu.edu.tw
Cited by 6113
Bekir Karlik

Bekir Karlik

Professor, Epoka University, Tirana, Albania
Verified email at epoka.edu.al
Cited by 5389
Dong Song, Ph.D.

Dong Song, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, University of Southern California
Verified email at usc.edu
Cited by 3792
Rosa H. M. Chan

Rosa HM Chan

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
Verified email at cityu.edu.hk
Cited by 3639
Jongmo Seo

Jongmo Seo

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
Verified email at snu.ac.kr
Cited by 3046
Jonathan Norton

Jonathan Norton

University of Saskatchewan
Verified email at usask.ca
Cited by 2133
Chung Tin

Chung Tin

City University of Hong Kong
Verified email at cityu.edu.hk
Cited by 1776
Randal Koene

Randal Koene

Carboncopies Foundation for Brain Research
Verified email at carboncopies.org
Cited by 1058
Gian Nicola Angotzi

Gian Nicola Angotzi

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Verified email at iit.it
Cited by 941
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