Williams Rizzi

Williams Rizzi

Machine Learning Engineer at Nexoya | PhD in Computer Science
Verified email at fbk.eu
Cited by 454
Mahsa Pourbafrani

Mahsa Pourbafrani

Lehrstuhl für Informatik 9 / Process and Data Science
Verified email at pads.rwth-aachen.de
Cited by 315
Kerwin Jorbina

Kerwin Jorbina

MSc Software Engineering, University of Tartu
Verified email at tudeng.ut.ee
Cited by 153
Alif Nur Iman

Alif Nur Iman

Pusan National University
Verified email at pusan.ac.kr
Cited by 44
Mozhgan Vazifehdoost

Mozhgan Vazifehdoost

Ph.D. candidate at the Eindhoven University of Technology
Verified email at tue.nl
Cited by 30
Niyi Ogunbiyi

Niyi Ogunbiyi

University of Westminster
Verified email at my.westminster.ac.uk
Cited by 22
Christoph Drodt

Christoph Drodt

University of Koblenz-Landau
Verified email at uni-koblenz.de
Cited by 21
SHAO Chifeng

SHAO Chifeng

Anhui University of Science and Technology
Verified email at aust.edu.cn
Cited by 6