David Hinton

David Hinton

Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California; California Institute of Technology
Verified email at usc.edu
Cited by 35119
Roger Eston

Roger Eston

University of South Australia; University of Exeter
Verified email at unisa.edu.au
Cited by 23362
Miguel Flores-Bellver

Miguel Flores-Bellver

Assistant Professor at University of Colorado
Verified email at cuanschutz.edu
Cited by 10912
Ruth Ashery-Padan

Ruth Ashery-Padan

Tel Aviv University
Verified email at tauex.tau.ac.il
Cited by 8432
Bharti K

Bharti K

National Institutes of Health, Goethe University Frankfurt
Cited by 6227
Flávio de Oliveira Pires

Flávio de Oliveira Pires

University of São Paulo
Verified email at usp.br
Cited by 2853
Marlene Martinho

Marlene Martinho

Aix-Marseille Université et CNRS UMR 7281
Verified email at imm.cnrs.fr
Cited by 2837
Jeffrey M Gross

Jeffrey M Gross

University of Texas at Austin
Verified email at austin.utexas.edu
Cited by 2607
hoebeke maryse

hoebeke maryse

Professeur, Université de Liège
Verified email at ulg.ac.be
Cited by 1849
Aswin Pyakurel

Aswin Pyakurel

University of Lausanne
Verified email at unil.ch
Cited by 1605
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