Karan Goel

Karan Goel

Verified email at stanford.edu
Cited by 5962
Nan Rosemary Ke

Nan Rosemary Ke

Google, Deepmind, Mila
Verified email at google.com
Cited by 4303
Vikas Raunak

Vikas Raunak

Senior Research Scientist, Microsoft
Verified email at microsoft.com
Cited by 3491
Sungrae Park

Sungrae Park

Upstage AI
Verified email at upstage.ai
Cited by 2441
Chao-Han Huck Yang

Chao-Han Huck Yang

Sr. Research Scientist, NVIDIA Research
Verified email at nvidia.com
Cited by 1929
Xin Xia

Xin Xia

The University of Queensland
Verified email at uq.edu.au
Cited by 1746
Fan-Keng Sun

Fan-Keng Sun

Ph.D. student at EECS, MIT
Verified email at mit.edu
Cited by 1137
Keiran Paster

Keiran Paster

University of Toronto, Vector Institute
Verified email at cs.toronto.edu
Cited by 1048
Dieterich Lawson

Dieterich Lawson

Stanford University
Verified email at stanford.edu
Cited by 933
Ruijie Quan

Ruijie Quan

Zhejiang University
Verified email at zju.edu.cn
Cited by 720
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