Wei Min Huang

Wei Min Huang

Nanyang Technological University
Verified email at ntu.edu.sg
Cited by 15738
Xuejun JIN (金学军)

Xuejun JIN (金学军)

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Verified email at sjtu.edu.cn
Cited by 5705
Mohsen Asle Zaeem

Mohsen Asle Zaeem

Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Colorado School of Mines
Verified email at mines.edu
Cited by 5470
Jaka Tusek

Jaka Tusek

Assistant Profesor at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Verified email at fs.uni-lj.si
Cited by 4594
Mehrshad Mehrpouya

Mehrshad Mehrpouya

Assistant Professor, University of Twente (UT)
Verified email at utwente.nl
Cited by 3113
Alejandro Yawny

Alejandro Yawny

División Metales - Centro Atómico Bariloche - CNEA - CONICET
Verified email at cab.cnea.gov.ar
Cited by 3043
Jem A Rongong

Jem A Rongong

The University of Sheffield
Verified email at sheffield.ac.uk
Cited by 1953
Silvia De la Flor

Silvia De la Flor

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics of Materials, Universitat Rovira i …
Verified email at urv.cat
Cited by 1814
Bipin Kumar

Bipin Kumar

Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Verified email at iitd.ac.in
Cited by 1565
Sergio González Sánchez

Sergio González Sánchez

Northumbria University
Verified email at northumbria.ac.uk
Cited by 1553
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