ESSEC Business School
Verified email at essec.edu
Cited by 886
Mukti Acharya

Mukti Acharya

Professor of Christ University
Verified email at thescientificindian.com
Cited by 470
Suliman Khan

Suliman Khan

PhD Student of Mathematics, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Italy
Verified email at unicampania.it
Cited by 351
Athira P Ranjith

Athira P Ranjith

Research Scholar of Mathematics, Christ University
Verified email at res.christuniversity.in
Cited by 85
Rohan Sharma

Rohan Sharma

Assistant Professor, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
Verified email at iitj.ac.in
Cited by 62
Madhusudhan K V

Madhusudhan KV

Associate Professor of Mathematics, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru
Verified email at atme.edu.in
Cited by 20
Anisha Jean Mathias

Anisha Jean Mathias

Research Scholar of Mathematics, Christ University
Verified email at res.christuniversity.in
Cited by 8
Pelin Şekercioğlu

Pelin Şekercioğlu

ONERA- The French Aerospace Lab
Verified email at onera.fr
Cited by 5
Mohan Ramu

Mohan Ramu

Research Scholar, Christ University
Verified email at res.christuniversity.in