Hsin-wei Tseng

Hsin-wei Tseng

SK-Hynix America
Verified email at us.skhynix.com
Cited by 6491
Prof. Pranaba Kishor Muduli

Prof. Pranaba Kishor Muduli

Professor of Physics at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Verified email at physics.iitd.ac.in
Cited by 3075
Peng Yan

Peng Yan

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Verified email at uestc.edu.cn
Cited by 2943
Piotr Laczkowski

Piotr Laczkowski

Post-doc Unite Mixte CNRS/Thales Palaisau
Verified email at thalesgroup.com
Cited by 1661
Neal Reynolds

Neal Reynolds

Ph.D. in Physics
Verified email at cornell.edu
Cited by 885
Do Duc Cuong

Do Duc Cuong

University of Sciences, HCM-VN
Verified email at hcmus.edu.vn
Cited by 511
Pan Zhang

Pan Zhang

postdoc, Nanyang Technological University
Verified email at ntu.edu.sg
Cited by 490
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