Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg

Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg

Professor, Dell Medical School and McCombs School of Business, Univ of Texas, Austin
Verified email at austin.utexas.edu
Cited by 7551
Alistair Hewison

Alistair Hewison

University of Birmingham
Verified email at bham.ac.uk
Cited by 3511
Briony C. Rogers

Briony C. Rogers

Professor, Monash University
Verified email at monash.edu
Cited by 2563
Marc Wolfram

Marc Wolfram

Director, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development / Professor, TU …
Verified email at ioer.de
Cited by 1795
Maria Csanadi

Maria Csanadi

Research Advisor, Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
Verified email at krtk.mta.hu
Cited by 820
Tanya Halsall

Tanya Halsall

University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research
Verified email at theroyal.ca
Cited by 726
Kateryna Pereverza

Kateryna Pereverza

PhD, researcher, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Verified email at kth.se
Cited by 294
Ekkehard Thümler

Ekkehard Thümler

Centre for Social Investment, Universität Heidelberg
Verified email at csi.uni-heidelberg.de
Cited by 231
Marina Bos-de Vos

Marina Bos-de Vos

Assistant Professor Strategic Design for Ecosystem Innovation
Verified email at tudelft.nl
Cited by 230
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