Hai-Jun Liao

Hai-Jun Liao

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Verified email at iphy.ac.cn
Cited by 2687
Chia-Min Chung

Chia-Min Chung

Physics department, National Sun Yat-sen University
Verified email at mail.nsysu.edu.tw
Cited by 1949
Tsuyoshi Okubo

Tsuyoshi Okubo

Institute for Physics of Intelligence, The University of Tokyo
Verified email at phys.su-tokyo.ac.jp
Cited by 1887
Yang Gao

Yang Gao

NVIDIA Corporation
Verified email at nvidia.com
Cited by 1031
Cheng Peng

Cheng Peng

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Verified email at stanford.edu
Cited by 765
Ryui Kaneko

Ryui Kaneko

Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology …
Verified email at sophia.ac.jp
Cited by 621
Yijian Zou

Yijian Zou

Perimeter Institute
Verified email at perimeterinstitute.ca
Cited by 579
Sudipto Singha Roy

Sudipto Singha Roy

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India
Verified email at iitism.ac.in
Cited by 577
Paolo Stornati

Paolo Stornati

ICFO (Barcelona)
Verified email at icfo.eu
Cited by 545
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