Els Lefever

Els Lefever

LT3, Ghent University
Verified email at ugent.be
Cited by 3168
Lieve Macken

Lieve Macken

Language and Translation Technology Team, Ghent University
Verified email at ugent.be
Cited by 1756
Agnieszka Mykowiecka

Agnieszka Mykowiecka

Institute of Computer Science PAS; Polish-Japaneese Academy of Information Technology …
Verified email at ipipan.waw.pl
Cited by 921
Małgorzata Marciniak

Małgorzata Marciniak

Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Verified email at ipipan.waw.pl
Cited by 830
Francesco Sclano

Francesco Sclano

laureato in informatica all'univesità "La Sapienza" di Roma
Verified email at sogei.it
Cited by 265