Riad Yahiaoui

Riad Yahiaoui

University of Illinois Chicago
Verified email at uic.edu
Cited by 2306
Patrick R. Whelan

Patrick R. Whelan

Aalborg University, AAU Materials & Production
Verified email at mp.aau.dk
Cited by 1768
Xingquan Zou

Xingquan Zou

University of Michigan
Verified email at umich.edu
Cited by 966
yihong yang

yihong yang

oklahoma state university
Verified email at okstate.edu
Cited by 954
Haochong Huang

Haochong Huang

China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
Verified email at cugb.edu.cn
Cited by 764
Saritha K. Nair

Saritha K. Nair

Assistant Professor in Physics, Mar Athanasius College (Autonomous) Kothamangalam …
Verified email at macollege.in
Cited by 413


McGill University & INRS-EMT QC Canada
Verified email at emt.inrs.ca
Cited by 307
Huiliang Ou

Huiliang Ou

University of Warwick
Verified email at warwick.ac.uk
Cited by 198
Qi Li

Qi Li

University of Cambridge
Verified email at cam.ac.uk
Cited by 127
Sergey Ovcharenko

Sergey Ovcharenko

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Verified email at physik.uni-halle.de
Cited by 120
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