Jian Liu

Jian Liu

Research Institute of Aerospace Technology, Central South University
Verified email at csu.edu.cn
Cited by 1599
Marc Ewenz Rocher

Marc Ewenz Rocher

Postdoctoral Scholar in Hypersonics, University of Oxford
Verified email at eng.ox.ac.uk
Cited by 90
Davood Hoseinzade

Davood Hoseinzade

MEeng of mechanical engineering/ [email protected]
Verified email at sun.hsu.ac.ir
Cited by 75
Seungmin Lee

Seungmin Lee

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), MS Student
Verified email at kaist.ac.kr
Cited by 42
Ella Steins

Ella Steins

Postdoc, Technische Universität zu Berlin
Verified email at tu-berlin.de
Cited by 16
Juchan Son

Juchan Son

University of Ottawa, Ph. D. Student
Verified email at uottawa.ca
Cited by 14
Deep Bandivadekar

Deep Bandivadekar

PhD student, University of Strathclyde
Verified email at strath.ac.uk
Cited by 2