Koen Janssens

Koen Janssens

Faculty of Science, University of Antwerp
Verified email at uantwerpen.be
Cited by 19934
Chung Wung Bark (박정웅)

Chung Wung Bark (박정웅)

Gachon University
Verified email at gachon.ac.kr
Cited by 8499
Axel Rosenhahn

Axel Rosenhahn

Professor for Analytical Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum
Verified email at rub.de
Cited by 6073
Ji Hoon Lee

Ji Hoon Lee

Assistant Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National …
Verified email at knu.ac.kr
Cited by 4611
Alexander S.  Lyakhov

Alexander S. Lyakhov

Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of Belarusian State University
Verified email at bsu.by
Cited by 2435
Darren C. Pagan

Darren C. Pagan

Pennsylvania State University
Verified email at psu.edu
Cited by 2380
Sergey Aksenov

Sergey Aksenov

Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
Verified email at ksc.ru
Cited by 2059
Ludmila S. Ivashkevich

Ludmila S. Ivashkevich

Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of Belarusian State University
Verified email at bsu.by
Cited by 1774
Atsushi Kohno

Atsushi Kohno

Professor, Fukuoka University
Verified email at fukuoka-u.ac.jp
Cited by 1624
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