University of Groningen Learn more

This page lists public profiles for University of Groningen. To include your profile here, set your affiliation to University of Groningen and verify an email address at this institution. hide
Ron T. Gansevoort

Ron T. Gansevoort

Professor of Internal Medicine, UMC Groningen, the Netherlands
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Cited by 150784
Stephan Bakker

Stephan Bakker

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Groningen
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Cited by 134456
Cisca Wijmenga, PhD

Cisca Wijmenga, PhD

ERC advanced investigator; Professor of Human Genetics, Dept Genetics (MGE), UMCG …
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Cited by 131538
prof.dr.Matthijs Oudkerk

prof.dr.Matthijs Oudkerk

Hoogleraar Radiologie Rijks Universiteit Groningen, UMCGroningen
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Cited by 130407
Ormel, Johan (Hans)

Ormel, Johan (Hans)

University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen
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Cited by 115859
Elisabeth de Vries

Elisabeth de Vries

Professor of Medical Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the …
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Cited by 109174
Dick de Zeeuw

Dick de Zeeuw

Emeritus Professor Clinical Pharmacology, University of Groningen, University Medical …
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Cited by 105327
B.L. Feringa

BL Feringa

Professor of Chemistry, University of Groningen
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Cited by 100414
Prof. Dr. Pim van der Harst

Prof. Dr. Pim van der Harst

University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen
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Cited by 76400
Harold Snieder

Harold Snieder

Professor of Genetic Epidemiology, University Medical Center Groningen
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Cited by 67913
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