Pierre and Marie Curie University Learn more

This page lists public profiles for Pierre and Marie Curie University. To include your profile here, set your affiliation to Pierre and Marie Curie University and verify an email address at this institution. hide
francois cambien

francois cambien

Verified email at upmc.fr
Cited by 148136
Antoine Heidmann

Antoine Heidmann

CNRS, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
Verified email at spectro.jussieu.fr
Cited by 105825
Gilles Billen

Gilles Billen

Verified email at upmc.fr
Cited by 37027
Sandrine Bony

Sandrine Bony

CNRS, LMD/IPSL, University Paris 6
Verified email at lmd.jussieu.fr
Cited by 35709
Gurvan Madec

Gurvan Madec

Directeur of Recherche CNRS, LOCEAN-IPSL, Sorbone university
Verified email at locean.upmc.fr
Cited by 34188
Pascal Ferré

Pascal Ferré

Professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris …
Verified email at crc.jussieu.fr
Cited by 34051


Verified email at crc.jussieu.fr
Cited by 32757
Christian Julien

Christian Julien

chercheur, Université Paris 6
Verified email at upmc.fr
Cited by 32402
Frédéric Charlotte

Frédéric Charlotte

Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Verified email at upmc.fr
Cited by 30962
Lionel Naccache

Lionel Naccache

Sorbonne University / APHP / INSERM / ICM
Verified email at upmc.fr
Cited by 27749
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