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Professor of Psychology and Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis
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Cited by 88901
Robert A. Neimeyer

Robert A. Neimeyer

Professor of Psychology, University of Memphis
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Cited by 54979
Shaun Gallagher

Shaun Gallagher

Professor of Philosophy, University of Memphis/Professorial Fellow, University of …
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Cited by 45838
Xiaohua Huang

Xiaohua Huang

The University of Memphis
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Cited by 38264
James G. Gurney

James G. Gurney

Associate Dean, Division Director, Professor of Epidemiology, University of Memphis School …
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Cited by 31563
Gary Bowlin

Gary Bowlin

The University of Memphis
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Cited by 25984
D. Kimbrough Oller

D. Kimbrough Oller

Professor and Plough Chair of Excellence, University of Memphis, and The Konrad Lorenz …
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Cited by 22018
Ali Fatemi

Ali Fatemi

Ring Companies Endowed Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Memphis
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Cited by 21924
Dipankar Dasgupta, IEEE Fellow, NAI Fellow & IEEE Distinguished Lecturer

Dipankar Dasgupta, IEEE Fellow, NAI Fellow & IEEE Distinguished Lecturer

Hill Professor of Computer Science, The University of Memphis
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Cited by 21681
Irena Lasiecka, Fellow of AMS, SIAM, AAAS,IEEE,IFIP

Irena Lasiecka, Fellow of AMS, SIAM, AAAS,IEEE,IFIP

Distinguished University Professor, University of Memphis and Commonwealth Prof, Univ.of …
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Cited by 20992
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