Rosalee A. Clawson
Rosalee A. Clawson
Professor of Political Science, Purdue University
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Media framing of a civil liberties conflict and its effect on tolerance
TE Nelson, RA Clawson, ZM Oxley
American Political Science Review 91 (3), 567-583, 1997
Toward a psychology of framing effects
TE Nelson, ZM Oxley, RA Clawson
Political behavior 19, 221-246, 1997
Poverty as we know it: Media portrayals of the poor
RA Clawson, R Trice
The public opinion quarterly 64 (1), 53-64, 2000
The role of social capital, personal networks, and emergency responders in post-disaster recovery and resilience: a study of rural communities in Indiana
AM Sadri, SV Ukkusuri, S Lee, R Clawson, D Aldrich, MS Nelson, J Seipel, ...
Natural hazards 90, 1377-1406, 2018
Framing, partisan predispositions, and public opinion on climate change
SL Wiest, L Raymond, RA Clawson
Global environmental change 31, 187-198, 2015
The Intersection of Race and Gender: An Examination of Black Feminist Consciousness, Race Consciousness, and Policy Attitudes*
EM Simien, RA Clawson
Social Science Quarterly 85 (3), 793-810, 2004
Public opinion: Democratic ideals, democratic practice
RA Clawson, ZM Oxley
CQ Press, 2020
Interviewing the interviewers: Journalistic norms and racial diversity in the newsroom
KA Nishikawa, TL Towner, RA Clawson, EN Waltenburg
The Howard Journal of Communications 20 (3), 242-259, 2009
The legitimacy-conferring authority of the US Supreme Court: An experimental design
RA Clawson, ER Kegler, EN Waltenburg
American Politics Research 29 (6), 566-591, 2001
Poor people, Black faces: The portrayal of poverty in economics textbooks
RA Clawson
Journal of Black Studies 32 (3), 352-361, 2002
Support for a Supreme Court affirmative action decision: a story in black and white
RA Clawson, EN Waltenburg
American Politics Research 31 (3), 251-279, 2003
Why do farmers adopt conservation tillage? An experimental investigation of framing effects
AC Andrews, RA Clawson, BM Gramig, L Raymond
Journal of soil and water conservation 68 (6), 501-511, 2013
The race coding of poverty in American government college textbooks
RA Clawson, ER Kegler
Howard Journal of Communication 11 (3), 179-188, 2000
Framing Supreme Court decisions: The mainstream versus the Black press
RA Clawson, HCN Strine IV, EN Waltenburg
Journal of Black Studies 33 (6), 784-800, 2003
Media coverage of Congress in the 1990s: Scandals, personalities, and the prevalence of policy and process
JS Morris, RA Clawson
Political Communication 22 (3), 297-313, 2005
Legacy and Legitimacy: Black Americans and the Supreme Court
RA Clawson, R Clawson, E Waltenburg
Temple University Press, 2008
Online discussions across three universities: Student participation and pedagogy
RA Clawson, RE Deen, ZM Oxley
PS: Political Science & Politics 35 (4), 713-718, 2002
Finding the right value: Framing effects on domain experts
AC Andrews, RA Clawson, BM Gramig, L Raymond
Political Psychology 38 (2), 261-278, 2017
The attitudinal structure of African American women party activists: The impact of race, gender, and religion
RA Clawson, JA Clark
Political Research Quarterly 56 (2), 211-221, 2003
Extended narrative empathy: Poly-narratives and the practice of open defecation
RP Clair, R Rastogi, ER Blatchley III, RA Clawson, C Erdmann, S Lee
Communication Theory 26 (4), 469-488, 2016
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Articles 1–20