Gunnar Thorgilsson
Gunnar Thorgilsson
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Recursive Greenʼs function method for multi-terminal nanostructures
G Thorgilsson, G Viktorsson, SI Erlingsson
Journal of Computational Physics 261, 256-266, 2014
Multi-domain electromagnetic absorption of triangular quantum rings
A Sitek, G Thorgilsson, V Gudmundsson, A Manolescu
Nanotechnology 27 (22), 225202, 2016
Conductance features of core-shell nanowires determined by their internal geometry
M Urbaneja Torres, A Sitek, SI Erlingsson, G Thorgilsson, ...
Physical Review B 98 (8), 085419, 2018
Rashba spin orbit interaction in a quantum wire superlattice
G Thorgilsson, JC Egues, D Loss, SI Erlingsson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (4), 045306, 2012
Transient magnetotransport through a quantum wire
V Gudmundsson, G Thorgilsson, CS Tang, V Moldoveanu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (3), 035329, 2008
Time-dependent magnetotransport of a wave packet in a quantum wire with embedded quantum dots
G Thorgilsson, CS Tang, V Gudmundsson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (19), 195314, 2007
Geothermal utilization potential in Poland–the town of Poddębice. Part 1: selected reservoir and exploitation aspects of current and further geothermal district heating and …
B KępińsKa, L PAjąK, W Bujakowski, A Kasztelewicz, M Hajto, ...
Technika Poszukiwań Geologicznych 56, 2017
Thermoelectric current in tubular nanowires in transverse electric and magnetic fields
G Thorgilsson, SI Erlingsson, A Manolescu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 906 (1), 012021, 2017
Modelling of the Deep Roots of Volcanic Geothermal Systems
G Thorgilsson, G Axelsson, JC Berthet, L Magnúsdóttir, K Árnason, ...
Proceedings of the Fourty-Second Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2018
Geothermal utilization potential in Poland–the town of Poddębice. Part 2: selected energetic aspects of current and future geothermal district heating in Poddębice
B KępińsKa, L Pająk, W Bujakowski, A Kasztelewicz, M Hajto, ...
Technika Poszukiwań Geologicznych 56, 2017
Reservoir tracer test in the Krafla geothermal field using conservative and potentially degrading liquid-phase tracers
F Óskarsson, GP Hersir, G Þorgilsson, E Júlíusson, A Gadalia
Proceedings of World Geothermal Congress 1, 2020
Effects of scattering area shape on spin conductance in a four-terminal spin-Hall setup
G Thorgilsson, SI Erlingsson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (24), 245308, 2010
Modeling transport through semiconductor nanostructures with Rashba spin-orbit interaction
G Þorgilsson
Tracking Fluid Flow Between IDDP-2 and the Current Production Reservoir in the Reykjanes Geothermal System in SW-Iceland, Using Drilling Fluid as Tracer
G Thorgilsson, F Óskarsson, IM Galeczka, G Axelsson
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, 1, 2020
Electronic states in core-shell quantum rings
A Sitek, G Thorgilsson, V Gudmundsson, A Manolescu
2016 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2016
Transport in four-terminal semiconductor nanostructures with Rashba spin–orbit interaction
G Thorgilsson, SI Erlingsson
Physica Scripta 2010 (T141), 014014, 2010
Lead Green's functions from quadratic eigenvalue problems without mode velocity calculations
G Thorgilsson, SI Erlingsson
Physical Review E 108 (5), 055304, 2023
The Eskifjordur Low-Temperature Geothermal System in E-Iceland, Pressure Response Modelling and Tracer Test Analysis
G Thorgilsson, G Axelsson, S Halldorsdottir, V Hardardottir, B Gautason, ...
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, 2020
The conceptual model of the Theistareykir high temperature system in N-Iceland
H Armannsson, G Axelsson, T Egilson, B Gautason, A Gudmundsson, ...
71st EAGE Conference and Exhibition-Workshops and Fieldtrips, cp-129-00077, 2009
Time-dependent wave packet transport in a quantum wire with mbedded quantum dots in the presence of magnetic field (在磁場作用下具有嵌入式量子點的量子線之波包時變性傳輸)
GR Su, CS Tang, G Thorgilsson, V Gudmundsson
2009 中華民國物理年會暨研究成果發表會 (Annual Meeting of the Physical …, 2009
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Articles 1–20