Winnie Bell
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Cited by
Measurement errors in dietary assessment using self-reported 24-hour recalls in low-income countries and strategies for their prevention
RS Gibson, UR Charrondiere, W Bell
Advances in Nutrition 8 (6), 980-991, 2017
Measuring food and nutrition security: An independent technical assessment and user’s guide for existing indicators
U Lele, WA Masters, J Kinabo, JV Meenakshi, B Ramaswami, J Tagwireyi, ...
Rome: Food Security Information Network, Measuring Food and Nutrition …, 2016
Causal language and strength of inference in academic and media articles shared in social media (CLAIMS): A systematic review
N Haber, ER Smith, E Moscoe, K Andrews, R Audy, W Bell, AT Brennan, ...
PloS one 13 (5), e0196346, 2018
Overcoming dietary assessment challenges in low-income countries: technological solutions proposed by the international dietary data expansion (INDDEX) project
JC Coates, BA Colaiezzi, W Bell, UR Charrondiere, C Leclercq
Nutrients 9 (3), 289, 2017
Early warning, late response (again): the 2011 famine in Somalia
S Lautze, W Bell, L Alinovi, L Russo
Global Food Security 1 (1), 43-49, 2012
Global dietary convergence from 1970 to 2010 altered inequality in agriculture, nutrition and health
W Bell, K Lividini, WA Masters
Nature Food 2 (3), 156-165, 2021
Nutrient composition of premixed and packaged complementary foods for sale in low‐and middle‐income countries: Lack of standards threatens infant growth
WA Masters, MD Nene, W Bell
Maternal & child nutrition 13 (4), e12421, 2017
Stabilizing price incentives for staple grain producers in the context of broader agricultural policies: debates and country experiences
M Demeke, D Dawe, J Tefft, T Ferede, W Bell
Measuring Nutrition Governance: An Analysis of Commitment, Capability, and Collaboration in Nepal
P Webb, S Ghosh, R Shrestha, G Namirembe, S Gurung, D Sapkota, ...
Food and nutrition bulletin 37 (4_suppl), S170-S182, 2016
Scaling up Dietary Data for Decision-Making in Low-Income Countries: New Technological Frontiers
W Bell, BA Colaiezzi, CS Prata, JC Coates
Advances in Nutrition 8 (6), 916-932, 2017
Beyond price and income: Preferences and food values in peri-urban Viet Nam
W Bell, J Coates, J Fanzo, NLW Wilson, WA Masters
Appetite 166, 105439, 2021
Validation of a digitally displayed photographic food portion-size estimation aid among women in urban and rural Malawi
VL Flax, C Thakwalakwa, CH Schnefke, H Stobaugh, JC Phuka, J Coates, ...
Public health nutrition 22 (17), 3140-3150, 2019
Getting the food list ‘right’: an approach for the development of nutrition-relevant food lists for household consumption and expenditure surveys
W Bell, JC Coates, BL Rogers, OI Bermudez
Public health nutrition 22 (2), 246-256, 2019
The cost and cost efficiency of conducting a 24-h dietary recall using INDDEX24, a mobile dietary assessment platform, compared with pen-and-paper interview in Viet Nam and …
KP Adams, W Bell, JW Somé, B Colaiezzi, S Wafa, B Rogers, J Coates
British Journal of Nutrition 129 (3), 535-549, 2023
Validation of the INDDEX24 mobile app v. a pen-and-paper 24-hour dietary recall using the weighed food record as a benchmark in Burkina Faso
B Rogers, JW Somé, P Bakun, KP Adams, W Bell, DA Carroll, S Wafa, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 128 (9), 1817-1831, 2022
INDDEX priority technical criteria and review of technology-assisted 24-hour recall software programs
J Coates, B Colaiezzi, W Bell, RS Gibson
Boston, MA, USA: INDDEX Project.[Google Scholar], 2015
INDDEX24: An Innovative Global Dietary Assessment Platform to Scale Up the Availability, Access, and Use of Dietary Data
S Wafa, B Colaiezzi, J Some, W Bell, C Prata, H Perlick, B Rogers, ...
Current Developments in Nutrition 4 (Supplement_2), 1180-1180, 2020
Optimizing portion-size estimation aids: a formative evaluation in Malawi
CH Schnefke, C Thakwalakwa, MK Muth, J Phuka, J Coates, B Rogers, ...
Public health nutrition 22 (17), 3127-3139, 2019
The cost of conducting a 24-hour dietary recall using INDDEX24, a mobile dietary assessment platform, compared to pen-and-paper in Viet Nam and Burkina Faso
K Adams, W Bell, J Somé, B Colaiezzi, S Wafa, B Rogers, J Coates
Current Developments in Nutrition 5, 5140620, 2021
Accuracy of Self-Reported Dietary Intake in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Review of the Literature
W Bell, E Saltzman, J Coates
The FASEB Journal 30 (1_supplement), lb417-lb417, 2016
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Articles 1–20