Wei Hu
Cited by
Cited by
Discerning tactical patterns for professional soccer teams: an enhanced topic model with applications
Q Wang, H Zhu, W Hu, Z Shen, Y Yao
KDD '15 Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on …, 2015
PSF estimation via gradient domain correlation
W Hu, J Xue, N Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (1), 386-392, 2012
High performance cluster-based transcoder
Z Tian, J Xue, W Hu, T Xu, N Zheng
Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM), 2010 International …, 2010
Text-to-Image Synthesis via Visual-Memory Creative Adversarial Network
S Zhang, H Dong, W Hu, Y Guo, C Wu, D Xie, F Wu
Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, 417-427, 2018
A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Live Streaming with DRM
X Lan, J Xue, L Tian, W Hu, T Xu, N Zheng
Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2009. CCNC 2009. 6th IEEE, 2009
Local patch based regularized least squares model for compression artifacts removal
W Hu, J Xue, X Lan, N Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 55 (4), 2009
Linear regression models for DCT domain approximate filtering and deblurring
W Hu, N Zheng, J Xue, X Lan
International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2008
Method and apparatus for predicting based on multi-source heterogeneous data
Q Wang, W Hu, Z Shen
US Patent US20160063383 A1, 2016
Big Data Based Forecasting Platform with Applications
Z Shen, H Tao, W Hu, J Su, T Gao, Kai Wang
International Conference of Machine Learning 1st Workshop for Designing …, 2014
Design method for stream medium distributed digital watermarking architecture
X Lan, T Xu, L Tian, Z Tian, W Hu, J Xue, N Zheng
CN Patent CN101442657 A, 2010
PSF Estimation via Covariance Matching
W Hu, J Xue, N Zheng
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2010
Distributed multi-format digital video transcoding construction design method
Q Fu, X Lan, G Yang, Z Yang, Z Tian, W Hu, J Xue, N Zheng
CN Patent CN 101459848 A, 2009
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Articles 1–12