Denis Simonov (PhD)
Denis Simonov (PhD)
Researcher, The University of Auckland.
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Cited by
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Releases Extracellular Vesicles That Are Associated with RNA
ARP Cherie Blenkiron, Denis Simonov, Anita Muthukaruppan, Peter Tsai ...
Plos One, 2016
Isolation of membrane vesicles from prokaryotes: a technical and biological comparison reveals heterogeneity
P Dauros Singorenko, V Chang, A Whitcombe, D Simonov, J Hong, ...
Journal of extracellular vesicles 6 (1), 1324731, 2017
Bacterial RNA as a signal to eukaryotic cells as part of the infection process
D Simonov, S Swift, C Blenkiron, AR Phillips
Discoveries 4 (4), 2016
Charged laser-induced graphene electrodes exhibit strong capacitance-based antibacterial and antiviral properties
S Beikzadeh, A Akbarinejad, J Taylor, S Swift, D Simonov, J Ross, ...
Applied Materials Today 31, 101753, 2023
Analysis of bacteria-derived outer membrane vesicles using tunable resistive pulse sensing
E Bogomolny, J Hong, C Blenkiron, D Simonov, P Dauros, S Swift, ...
Colloidal nanoparticles for biomedical applications X 9338, 187-192, 2015
Isolation of membrane vesicles from prokaryotes: a technical and biological comparison reveals heterogeneity. J Extracell Vesicles 6: 1324731
P Dauros Singorenko, V Chang, A Whitcombe, D Simonov, J Hong, ...
Message in a vesicle: Cross-kingdom communication between uropathogenic Escherichia coli and epithelial bladder cells via secreted bacterial membrane vesicles and their RNA cargo
D Simonov
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2018
Iron restriction is central to nutritional immunity, but does it affect the extracellular vesicles of bacterial pathogens?
S Swift, P Dauros-Singorenko, J Hong, A Whitcombe, D Simonov, P Tsai, ...
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 7, 167-168, 2018
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