Colin Dodds
Colin Dodds
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Cited by
Making music after stroke: using musical activities to enhance arm function
F Van Wijck, D Knox, C Dodds, G Cassidy, G Alexander, R MacDonald
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1252 (1), 305-311, 2012
Remix portal: connecting classrooms with local music communities
C Dodds, A Kharrufa, A Preston, C Preston, P Olivier
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and …, 2017
Data contribution summaries for patient engagement in multi-device health monitoring research
J Rainey, D Verweij, C Dodds, J Graeber, F Farhadi, R Ali, V Zhang, ...
Adjunct proceedings of the 2021 ACM international Joint conference on …, 2021
Use of novel controllers in surround sound production
P Quinn, C Dodds, D Knox
Audio Mostly 2009: conference on interaction with sound, 2009
Supporting Non-Expert Users in Authoring Tasks for Learning Language and Culture: Evaluation Study
A Kharrufa, M Satar, CB Dodds, P Seedhouse
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching …, 2022
Identifying requirements for supporting users in creating digital interactive cultural activities for task-based language learning
CB Dodds, M Satar, A Kharrufa, P Seedhouse, A Sidrova, I Spazheva, ...
Enhancing the learning of stereo microphone techniques through the use of a simulated learning environment
C Dodds
Audio Engineering Society Convention 134, 2013
Show-and-Tell: An Interface for Delivering Rich Feedback upon Creative Media Artefacts
C Dodds, A Kharrufa
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 8 (3), 23, 2024
Virtual Exchange Facilitated by Interactive, Digital, Cultural Artefacts: Communities, Languages, and Activities App (ENACT).
CB Dodds, A Whelan, A Kharrufa, M Satar
Research-publishing. net, 2021
8 digital
CB Dodds, A Whelan, A Kharrufa, M Satar
Virtual exchange: towards digital equity in internationalisation, 101, 2021
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Articles 1–10