Anthony Lane
Anthony Lane
PhD Student, Psychological Research Institut, Université catholique de Louvain
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Oxytocin makes people trusting, not gullible
M Mikolajczak, JJ Gross, A Lane, O Corneille, P de Timary, O Luminet
Psychological science 21 (8), 1072-1074, 2010
Oxytocin not only increases trust when money is at stake, but also when confidential information is in the balance
M Mikolajczak, N Pinon, A Lane, P de Timary, O Luminet
Biological psychology 85 (1), 182-184, 2010
Is there a publication bias in behavioural intranasal oxytocin research on humans? Opening the file drawer of one laboratory
A Lane, O Luminet, G Nave, M Mikolajczak
Journal of neuroendocrinology 28 (4), 2016
Oxytocin increases willingness to socially share one's emotions
A Lane, O Luminet, B Rimé, JJ Gross, P de Timary, M Mikolajczak
International Journal of Psychology 48 (4), 676-681, 2012
Failed replication of oxytocin effects on trust: the envelope task case
A Lane, M Mikolajczak, E Treinen, D Samson, O Corneille, P de Timary, ...
PloS one 10 (9), e0137000, 2015
How can intranasal oxytocin research be trusted? A systematic review of the interactive effects of intranasal oxytocin on psychosocial outcomes
A Mierop, M Mikolajczak, C Stahl, J Béna, O Luminet, A Lane, O Corneille
Perspectives on Psychological Science 15 (5), 1228-1242, 2020
Psychoendocrinologie sociale de l’ocytocine: revue d’une littérature en pleine expansion
A Lane, O Luminet, M Mikolajczak
L’Année psychologique 113 (2), 255-285, 2013
Oxytocin makes us trusting but not gullible
M Mikolajczak, A Lane, J Gross, P de Timary, O Luminet
Nature Precedings, 1-1, 2009
Oxytocinergic modulation of emotional processes in social interactions
A Lane, O Luminet, M Mikolajczak
Psychology of Emotions. New York: Nova, 2013
Social psychoendocrinology of oxytocin: A critical review
A Lane, O Luminet, M Mikolajczak
LAnnee psychologique 113 (2), 255-285, 2013
Au-delà du mythe, quelle est l’influence réelle de l’ocytocine? Approche critique des effets affectifs, comportementaux et cognitifs de l’administration intranasale d’ocytocine …
A Lane
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2016
Does Oxytocin make us more sensitive to others distress? Oxytocin does not enhance attentional focus toward a suffering target
A Lane, M Mikolajczak, O Luminet
International Conference of Psychological Science, 2015
Does Oxytocin modulate Mimetic Desires?
E Treinen, A Lane, O Corneille, D Samson, M Mikolajczak, O Luminet, ...
Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, 2013
Oxytocin may shape the content of the social sharing of emotions
A Lane, O Luminet, M Mikolajczak
26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 2012
Entre service et desservice, quelle est la perception de l’expertise judiciaire pénale par le justiciable? Une recherche exploratoire
A Lane, T Moreau
Language, 2011
THE CURRENT CINEMA-" The Lives of Others."
A Lane
New Yorker, 88, 2007
Is there a publication bias in behavioral intranasal oxytocin research on humans? Opening the file drawer of one lab Running title:“Possible file drawer problem in behavioral …
A Lane
Le taux de testostérone et son influence sur la détection et la reconnaissance des émotions
Z Verheye, M Mikolajczak, A Lane
L'ocytocine influence-t-elle la jalousie chez les femmes en couple? Effet de l'administration intranasale d'ocytocine sur l'expérience et l'expression de jalousie
E Batselé, PH Mullier, A Lane, L Lorenzino, M Mikolajczak
Effets extra-pharmacologiques possibles de la testostérone: application concrète à l'agressivité et à la performance sportive
M Xhonneux, M Mikolajczak, A Lane
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Articles 1–20