Paul J. Devereux
Paul J. Devereux
Professor of Economics, University College Dublin
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The more the merrier? The effect of family size and birth order on children's education
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 120 (2), 669-700, 2005
Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility, Handbook of Labor Economics, Amsterdam, North-Holland
SE Black, P Devereux
From the cradle to the labor market? The effect of birth weight on adult outcomes
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122 (1), 409-439, 2007
Why the apple doesn’t fall far: Understanding intergenerational transmission of human capital
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
American economic review 95 (1), 437-449, 2005
Too young to leave the nest? The effects of school starting age
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
The review of economics and statistics 93 (2), 455-467, 2011
Staying in the classroom and out of the maternity ward? The effect of compulsory schooling laws on teenage births
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
The Economic Journal 118 (530), 1025-1054, 2008
The extent and consequences of downward nominal wage rigidity
J Altonji, PJ Devereux
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1999
Under pressure? The effect of peers on outcomes of young adults
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
Journal of Labor Economics 31 (1), 119-153, 2013
Forced to be rich? Returns to compulsory schooling in Britain
PJ Devereux, RA Hart
The Economic Journal 120 (549), 1345-1364, 2010
Small family, smart family?: family size and the IQ scores of young men
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
Journal of Human Resources 45 (1), 33-58, 2010
Older and wiser? Birth order and IQ of young men
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
CESifo Economic Studies 57 (1), 103-120, 2011
Losing heart? The effect of job displacement on health
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
ILR Review 68 (4), 833-861, 2015
Changes in relative wages and family labor supply
PJ Devereux
Journal of Human Resources 39 (3), 698-722, 2004
Poor Little Rich Kids? The Role of Nature versus Nurture in Wealth and Other Economic Outcomes and Behaviours
SE Black, PJ Devereux, P Lundborg, K Majlesi
The Review of Economic Studies 87 (4), 1683-1725, 2020
Does grief transfer across generations? bereavements during pregnancy and child outcomes
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 8 (1), 193-223, 2016
This is only a test? Long-run and intergenerational impacts of prenatal exposure to radioactive fallout
SE Black, A Bütikofer, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
Review of Economics and Statistics 101 (3), 531-546, 2019
Like father, like son? A note on the intergenerational transmission of IQ scores
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KG Salvanes
Economics Letters 105 (1), 138-140, 2009
The cyclicality of real wages within employer-employee matches
PJ Devereux
ILR Review 54 (4), 835-850, 2001
Real wage cyclicality of job stayers, within-company job movers, and between-company job movers
PJ Devereux, RA Hart
ILR Review 60 (1), 105-119, 2006
Care or cash? The effect of child care subsidies on student performance
SE Black, PJ Devereux, KV Løken, KG Salvanes
Review of Economics and Statistics 96 (5), 824-837, 2014
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