Articles with public access mandates - Miłosz KadzińskiLearn more
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Preference disaggregation within the regularization framework for sorting problems with multiple potentially non-monotonic criteria
J Liu, X Liao, M Kadziński, R Słowiński
European Journal of Operational Research 276 (3), 1071-1089, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Expressiveness and robustness measures for the evaluation of an additive value function in multiple criteria preference disaggregation methods: An experimental analysis
M Kadziński, M Ghaderi, J Wąsikowski, N Agell
Computers & operations research 87, 146-164, 2017
Mandates: Government of Spain
Experimental comparison of results provided by ranking methods in Data Envelopment Analysis
A Labijak-Kowalska, M Kadziński
Expert Systems with Applications 173, 114739, 2021
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Decomposition-based co-evolutionary algorithm for interactive multiple objective optimization
MK Tomczyk, M Kadziński
Information Sciences 549, 178-199, 2021
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Active learning strategies for interactive elicitation of assignment examples for threshold-based multiple criteria sorting
M Kadziński, K Ciomek
European Journal of Operational Research 293 (2), 658-680, 2021
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Learning the parameters of an outranking-based sorting model with characteristic class profiles from large sets of assignment examples
M Kadziński, A Szczepański
Applied Soft Computing 116, 108312, 2022
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Review and experimental comparison of ranking and choice procedures for constructing a univocal recommendation in a preference disaggregation setting
M Kadziński, M Wójcik, K Ciomek
Omega 113, 102715, 2022
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Bayesian ordinal regression for multiple criteria choice and ranking
Z Ru, J Liu, M Kadziński, X Liao
European Journal of Operational Research 299 (2), 600-620, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science Centre, Poland
Probabilistic ordinal regression methods for multiple criteria sorting admitting certain and uncertain preferences
Z Ru, J Liu, M Kadziński, X Liao
European Journal of Operational Research 311 (2), 596-616, 2023
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Modeling contingent decision behavior: A Bayesian nonparametric preference-learning approach
J Liu, M Kadziński, X Liao
INFORMS Journal on Computing 35 (4), 764-785, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science Centre, Poland
Stepwise benchmarking for multiple criteria sorting
M Kadziński, M Stamenković, M Uniejewski
Omega 108, 102579, 2022
Mandates: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic …
Selection of a representative sorting model in a preference disaggregation setting: A review of existing procedures, new proposals, and experimental comparison
M Wójcik, M Kadziński, K Ciomek
Knowledge-Based Systems, 110871, 2023
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Robust ordinal regression for multiple criteria decision aiding
M Kadziński
Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Combining Operations Research and …, 2022
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Attaining robust performance targets in data envelopment analysis with application to efficiency evaluation of airports
D Grynia, M Kadziński, M Stamenković
Computers & Industrial Engineering 190, 110065, 2024
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Co-evolution improves the efficiency of preference learning methods when the Decision Maker's aspirations develop over time
M Tomczyk, M Kadziński
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 759-767, 2023
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Interactive evolutionary multiple objective optimization algorithm using a fast calculation of holistic acceptabilities
MK Tomczyk, M Kadziński
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 476-484, 2021
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Robustness analysis for imprecise additive value efficiency analysis with an application to evaluation of special economic zones in Poland
A Labijak-Kowalska, M Kadziński, LC Dias
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 92, 101813, 2024
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Meta-Rankings of Journals Publishing Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding Research: Benefit-of-Doubt Composite Indicators for Heterogeneous Qualitative Scales
LC Dias, M Kadziński
Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Combining Operations Research and …, 2022
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
A multiple criteria Bayesian hierarchical model for analyzing heterogeneous consumer preferences
J Liu, Y Wang, M Kadziński, X Mao, Y Rao
Omega 128, 103113, 2024
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
Outranking-based approaches for multiple criteria partially ordered clustering: a review of existing algorithms, new proposals, and experimental comparison
D Grynia, K Dobrogojska, M Kadziński
Information Sciences, 121014, 2024
Mandates: National Science Centre, Poland
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