Merita Ayu Indrianti
Merita Ayu Indrianti
Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
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Cited by
A preliminary study on the size structure and sex ratio of orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides Hamilton, 1822) harvested from Kwandang Bay, Sulawesi Sea, Indonesia
DS Achmad, MS Nurdin, IA Yasin, MA Indrianti, MM Mokoginta, ...
Aceh Journal of Animal Science 6 (2), 34-38, 2021
Electrical and Thermal Efficiency of Air-Based Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Systems: an Overview
NSB Rukman, A Fudholi, I Taslim, MA Indrianti, IN Manyoe, U Lestari, ...
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 14 (3 …, 2019
Analisa Potensi Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes ) Danau Limboto Sebagai Pakan Ternak
P Ramlan, MA Indrianti
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Integrated Farming System, Pembangunan Pertanian …, 2018
Mechanical Properties of Whey Composite Edible Film with the Addition of Clove Essential Oil and Different Types of Plasticizer
F Fahrullah, M Ervandi, MA Indrianti, DO Suparwata, IA Yasin, YA Gobel, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 755 (1), 012004, 2021
Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Jagung di Desa Tohupo Kecamatan Bongomeme Kabupaten Gorontalo
MA Indrianti
J-SEA (Journal Socio Economics Agricultural) 15 (1), 10 - 14, 2020
Overview on recent photovoltaic module cooling methods: advances PVT systems
NSB Rukman, A Fudholi, I Taslim, MA Indrianti, IN Manyoe
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 10 (1), 15, 2020
Agroforestry Farming System: Measuring its Development in Financial Feasibility Aspects
DO Suparwata, MA Indrianti, MM Mokoginta, S Mokoolang
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1104 (1), 012007, 2022
Energy and Exergy Efficiency of Water-Based Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Systems: an Overview
NSB Rukman, A Fudholi, I Taslim, MA Indrianti, IN Manyoe, U Lestari, ...
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) 10 (2), 2019
Population dynamics of reef fish in the Kwandang Bay, Sulawesi Sea, Indonesia.
DS Achmad, S Gani, W Ardiansyah, MM Mokoginta, MS Nurdin, J Jompa, ...
Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (10), 2022
Homeyard Contribution Based on Women Farmer Family Management (KWT) in Rural Areas
DO Suparwata, MA Indrianti, MM Mokoginta, YA Gobel, MM Djibran, ...
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan 15 (2), 563-570, 2022
Implementasi Sistem Agroforestri Sebagai Solusi Pertanian Berkelanjutan Di Gorontalo
MA Indrianti, Ulfiasih
Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian Univ. Ichsan Gorontalo, 2018
Eksistensi Kearifan Lokal Bercocok Tanam Dalam Mempertahankan Ketahanan Pangan Lokal (Studi Masyarakat Desa Bilalang 1)
MM Mokoginta, MA Indrianti
SENASTER" Seminar Nasional Riset Teknologi Terapan" 1 (1), 2020
Theoretical approach model of building integrated photovoltaic thermal air collector
A Fudholi, M Zohri, I Taslim, MA Indrianti, IN Manyoe
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS) 11 (2 …, 2020
Dulamayo Barat Village Community Empowerment in Agroforestry System Development
Journal of Community Empowerment Issues 1 (1), 1-12, 2021
Species Composition and Growth Pattern of a Multi-Species Grouper in Kwandang Bay, Sulawesi Sea, Indonesia
DS Achmad, MS Nurdin, F Azmi, MA Indrianti, E Hulukati, J Jompa, ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2023
KERAGAAN USAHATANI LAHAN KERING PADA PETANI TRANSMIGRAN (Studi Kasus di Desa Saritani Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Boalemo)
W Ardiansyah, MA Indrianti, MM Djibran, DR Hippy
Jurnal Agriovet 4 (2), 125-142, 2022
Dampak Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP) Terhadap Produktivitas Jagung di Desa Kayu Bulan Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai Kabupaten Gorontalo
MA Indrianti, M Adrian, MM Djibran, MM Mokoginta, H Amanah, ...
Jurnal Agriovet 1 (5), 1-24, 2022
Kualitas Semen Ayam KUB menggunakan Pengencer Ringer Dextrose dan Ringer Laktat pada Suhu 5 Celcius
Triadi, M Ervandi, Fahrullah, T Repi, MA Indrianti
Jurnal Peternakan Sriwijaya 11 (1), 42-51, 2022
Reinternalisasi Pertanian Organik Pada Petani Pedesaan
MM Mokoginta, DO Suparwata, MA Indrianti
Huidu Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Geoscience 1 (2), 52-59, 2022
Kontribusi Lahan Pekarangan Berdasarkan Tata Kelola Keluarga Wanita Tani (KWT) di Pedesaan
DO Suparwata, MA Indrianti, MM Mokoginta, YA Gobel, MM Djibran, ...
Jurnal Ilmiah agribisnis dan Perikanan (agrikan UMMU-Ternate) Vol 15 (2), 2022
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Articles 1–20