Alexei Likhtman
Alexei Likhtman
Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Reading
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Quantitative theory for linear dynamics of linear entangled polymers
AE Likhtman, TCB McLeish
Macromolecules 35 (16), 6332-6343, 2002
Microscopic theory of linear, entangled polymer chains under rapid deformation including chain stretch and convective constraint release
RS Graham, AE Likhtman, TCB McLeish, ST Milner
Journal of Rheology 47 (5), 1171-1200, 2003
Simple constitutive equation for linear polymer melts derived from molecular theory: Rolie–Poly equation
AE Likhtman, RS Graham
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 114 (1), 1-12, 2003
Single-chain slip-link model of entangled polymers: Simultaneous description of neutron spin− echo, rheology, and diffusion
AE Likhtman
Macromolecules 38 (14), 6128-6139, 2005
Definitions of entanglement spacing and time constants in the tube model
RG Larson, T Sridhar, LG Leal, GH McKinley, AE Likhtman, TCB McLeish
Journal of Rheology 47 (3), 809-818, 2003
Linear viscoelasticity from molecular dynamics simulation of entangled polymers
AE Likhtman, SK Sukumaran, J Ramirez
Macromolecules 40 (18), 6748-6757, 2007
Neutron-mapping polymer flow: Scattering, flow visualization, and molecular theory
J Bent, LR Hutchings, RW Richards, T Gough, R Spares, PD Coates, ...
Science 301 (5640), 1691-1695, 2003
Microscopic theory of convective constraint release
ST Milner, TCB McLeish, AE Likhtman
Journal of Rheology 45 (2), 539-563, 2001
Efficient on the fly calculation of time correlation functions in computer simulations
J Ramírez, SK Sukumaran, B Vorselaars, AE Likhtman
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (15), 2010
Linear and nonlinear shear flow behavior of monodisperse polyisoprene melts with a large range of molecular weights
D Auhl, J Ramirez, AE Likhtman, P Chambon, C Fernyhough
Journal of Rheology 52 (3), 801-835, 2008
Molecular observation of contour-length fluctuations limiting topological confinement in polymer melts
A Wischnewski, M Monkenbusch, L Willner, D Richter, AE Likhtman, ...
Physical review letters 88 (5), 058301, 2002
Microscopic definition of polymer entanglements
AE Likhtman, M Ponmurugan
Macromolecules 47 (4), 1470-1481, 2014
Constriction flows of monodisperse linear entangled polymers: Multiscale modeling and flow visualization
MW Collis, AK Lele, MR Mackley, RS Graham, DJ Groves, AE Likhtman, ...
Journal of Rheology 49 (2), 501-522, 2005
Shear banding in molecular dynamics of polymer melts
J Cao, AE Likhtman
Physical review letters 108 (2), 028302, 2012
Entangled polymers: Constraint release, mean paths, and tube bending energy
DJ Read, K Jagannathan, AE Likhtman
Macromolecules 41 (18), 6843-6853, 2008
Significance of cross correlations in the stress relaxation of polymer melts
J Ramírez, SK Sukumaran, AE Likhtman
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (24), 2007
1.06-viscoelasticity and molecular rheology
AE Likhtman
Polymer science: a comprehensive reference 1, 133-79, 2012
Microphase separation in block copolymer/homopolymer blends: Theory and experiment
G Floudas, N Hadjichristidis, M Stamm, AE Likhtman, AN Semenov
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (8), 3318-3328, 1997
Dynamics in supramolecular polymer networks formed by associating telechelic chains
D Amin, AE Likhtman, Z Wang
Macromolecules 49 (19), 7510-7524, 2016
Simulating startup shear of entangled polymer melts
J Cao, AE Likhtman
ACS Macro Letters 4 (12), 1376-1381, 2015
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Articles 1–20