Monica Gaughan
Monica Gaughan
School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
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Scientific and technical human capital: an alternative model for research evaluation
B Bozeman, JS Dietz, M Gaughan
International Journal of technology management 22 (7-8), 716-740, 2001
Job satisfaction among university faculty: Individual, work, and institutional determinants
B Bozeman, M Gaughan
The Journal of Higher Education 82 (2), 154-186, 2011
Impacts of grants and contracts on academic researchers’ interactions with industry
B Bozeman, M Gaughan
Research policy 36 (5), 694-707, 2007
How do men and women differ in research collaborations? An analysis of the collaborative motives and strategies of academic researchers
B Bozeman, M Gaughan
Research policy 40 (10), 1393-1402, 2011
College graduation rates for minority students in a selective technical university: Will participation in a summer bridge program contribute to success?
TE Murphy, M Gaughan, R Hume, SG Moore Jr
Educational evaluation and policy analysis 32 (1), 70-83, 2010
National science training policy and early scientific careers in France and the United States
M Gaughan, S Robin
Research policy 33 (4), 569-581, 2004
Scientists’ participation in university research centers: What are the gender differences?
E Corley, M Gaughan
The Journal of Technology Transfer 30 (4), 371-381, 2005
Using curriculum vitae to compare some impacts of NSF research grants with research center funding
M Gaughan, B Bozeman
Research Evaluation 11 (1), 17-26, 2002
The gender structure of adolescent peer influence on drinking
M Gaughan
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 47 (1), 47-61, 2006
Research collaboration experiences, good and bad: Dispatches from the front lines
B Bozeman, M Gaughan, J Youtie, CP Slade, H Rimes
Science and Public Policy 43 (2), 226-244, 2016
A medical record linkage analysis of abortion underreporting
JR Udry, M Gaughan, PJ Schwingl, BJ Van Den Berg
Family planning perspectives, 228-231, 1996
Faculty publication productivity, collaboration, and grants velocity: using curricula vitae to compare center-affiliated and unaffiliated scientists
M Gaughan, B Ponomariov
Research Evaluation 17 (2), 103-110, 2008
Science faculty at US research universities: The impacts of university research center-affiliation and gender on industrial activities
M Gaughan, EA Corley
Technovation 30 (3), 215-222, 2010
Using the prisms of gender and rank to interpret research collaboration power dynamics
M Gaughan, B Bozeman
Social Studies of Science 46 (4), 536-558, 2016
The substitution hypothesis: The impact of premarital liaisons and human capital on marital timing
M Gaughan
Journal of Marriage and Family 64 (2), 407-419, 2002
Power to do… what? Department heads’ decision autonomy and strategic priorities
B Bozeman, D Fay, M Gaughan
Research in Higher Education 54 (3), 303-328, 2013
Evaluating the impacts of grants on women scientists’ careers: the curriculum vitae as a tool for research assessment
E Corley, B Bozeman, M Gaughan, P Shapira, S Kuhlmann
Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation: Experiences from the …, 2003
Using the curriculum vitae for policy research: an evaluation of National Institutes of Health center and training support on career trajectories
M Gaughan
Research evaluation 18 (2), 117-124, 2009
Impact of research collaboration cosmopolitanism on job satisfaction
J Jung, B Bozeman, M Gaughan
Research Policy 46 (10), 1863-1872, 2017
Differential social network effects on scholarly productivity: An intersectional analysis
M Gaughan, J Melkers, E Welch
Science, Technology, & Human Values 43 (3), 570-599, 2018
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Articles 1–20