Articles with public access mandates - Hugo Antonius Hubertus LamersLearn more
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Engaging local communities in social learning for inclusive management of native fruit trees in the Central Western Ghats, India
N Hegde, M Elias, HAH Lamers, M Hegde
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 26 (1), 65-83, 2017
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research, CGIAR
Evaluating the usefulness and ease of use of participatory tools for forestry and livelihoods research in Sarawak, Malaysia
M Faridah Aini, M Elias, H Lamers, U Shariah, P Brooke, H Mohd Hafizul
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 26 (1), 29-46, 2017
Mandates: CGIAR
From Within and Without: Gender, agency and sustainable management of non-timber forest products in two Indian States
R Jalonen, RF Ziegert, HAH Lamers, N Hegde
Small-scale Forestry 22 (2), 323-349, 2023
Mandates: US Agency for International Development, CGIAR
Guidelines for equitable and sustainable non-timber forest product management
R Jalonen, H Lamers, M Elias
Bioversity International, 2018
Mandates: CGIAR
Custodians of tropical fruit tree diversity: identifying and strengthening the role and rights of custodian farmers
B Sthapit, HAH Lamers, V Ramanatha Rao
Routledge, 2016
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
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