Naser Almohammed
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Cited by
Progress in CFD simulations of fluidized beds for chemical and energy process engineering
F Alobaid, N Almohammed, MM Farid, J May, P Rößger, A Richter, ...
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 91, 100930, 2022
A comparative study on the influence of the gas flow rate on the hydrodynamics of a gas–solid spouted fluidized bed using Euler–Euler and Euler–Lagrange/DEM models
N Almohammed, F Alobaid, M Breuer, B Epple
Powder technology 264, 343-364, 2014
Modeling and simulation of particle agglomeration in turbulent flows using a hard-sphere model with deterministic collision detection and enhanced structure models
M Breuer, N Almohammed
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 73, 171-206, 2015
Modeling and simulation of agglomeration in turbulent particle-laden flows: A comparison between energy-based and momentum-based agglomeration models
N Almohammed, M Breuer
Powder Technology 294, 373-402, 2016
Modeling and simulation of particle–wall adhesion of aerosol particles in particle-laden turbulent flows
N Almohammed, M Breuer
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 85, 142-156, 2016
Towards a deterministic composite collision outcome model for surface-tension dominated droplets
N Almohammed, M Breuer
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 110, 1-17, 2019
Modeling and Simulation of Particle Agglomeration, Droplet Coalescence and Particle-Wall Adhesion in Turbulent Multiphase Flows
N Almohammed
Department of Fluid Mechanics, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Germany, 2018
Particle Agglomeration in Turbulent Flows: A LES investigation based on a deterministic collision and agglomeration model
M Breuer, N Almohammed
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation X 24, 119-124, 2018
Turbulent particle-laden and droplet-laden flows: An advanced eddy-resolving simulation methodology with deterministic collision, agglomeration and coalescence models
M Breuer, N Almohammed
International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating …, 2017
Deterministic agglomeration models for the Euler-Lagrange approach using large-eddy simulation
N Almohammed, M Breuer
9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Firenze, Italy, 2016
Particle-wall adhesion model for turbulent disperse multiphase flows within an Euler-Lagrange LES approach
M Breuer, N Almohammed
9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Firenze, Italy, 2016
Advantages of Inverter Integration for Electric Drive Systems
N Almohammed, D Gerstgarbe, S Laad
MTZ worldwide 85 (2), 50-53, 2024
Vorteile der Inverterintegration für elektrische Antriebssysteme
N Almohammed, D Gerstgarbe, S Laad
MTZ-Motortechnische Zeitschrift 85 (2), 52-57, 2024
Numerical simulation of droplet-laden turbulent flows including coalescence
N Almohammed, M Breuer
Forschungsschwerpunkt Energie: Energietechnisches Seminar 2017, Helmut …, 2017
Comparison of an energy-based and a momentum-based agglomeration model within an Euler-Lagrange LES approach
N Almohammed, M Breuer
14th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, Halle (Saale), Germany, 2015
Numerical investigation on the hydrodynamic behaviour of particulate flows in a fluidized bed using Eulerian–Eulerian and Eulerian–Lagrangian approach
N Almohammed
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, 2013
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Articles 1–16