Articles with public access mandates - Jennifer LeavyLearn more
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Evaluation of adaptation to climate change from a development perspective
MM Hedger, L Horrocks, T Mitchell, J Leavy, M Greeley
Evaluating Climate Change and Development, 241-264, 2017
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
Measuring social networks in three Zambian villages
J Leavy
Journal of Development Effectiveness 7 (3), 357-374, 2015
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
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Who wants to farm? Youth aspirations, opportunities and rising food prices
J Leavy, N Hossain
IDS Working Papers 2014 (439), 1-44, 2014
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
People who once had 40 cattle are left only with fences: coping with persistent drought in Awash, Ethiopia
L Camfield, J Leavy, S Endale, T Tefera
The European Journal of Development Research 32, 889-905, 2020
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
The development-adaptation spectrum in dryland East Africa: mapping risks, responses and critical questions for social research
R Few, P Satyal, M Assen, L Camfield, J Leavy, D McGahey
International Development Research Centre, 2018
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
How Useful Are RCTs in Evaluating Transparency and Accountability Projects
J Leavy
Making All Voices Count, 2014
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
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