Evgeniya Lukinova
Cited by
Cited by
Metastasised fraud in Russia's 2008 presidential election
E Lukinova, M Myagkov, PC Ordeshook
Russia's Authoritarian Elections, 73-91, 2014
Differentiated responsibilities and prosocial behaviour in climate change mitigation
R Kline, N Seltzer, E Lukinova, A Bynum
Nature human behaviour 2 (9), 653-661, 2018
Sociality as a natural mechanism of public goods provision
ET Berkman, E Lukinova, I Menshikov, M Myagkov
PloS one 10 (3), e0119685, 2015
Impact of short social training on prosocial behaviors: An fMRI study
E Lukinova, M Myagkov
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 10, 60, 2016
The value of sociality
E Lukinova, M Myagkov, P Shishkin
Foresight 16 (4), 309-328, 2014
Choice of the Group Increases Intra-Cooperation
T Babkina, M Myagkov, E Lukinova, A Peshkovskaya, O Menshikova, ...
Russia's authoritarian elections
S White
Routledge, 2014
Do women socialize better? Evidence from a study on sociality effects on gender differences in cooperative behavior
A Peshkovskaya, M Myagkov, T Babkina, E Lukinova
Ukraine 2010: Were Tymoshenko's Cries of Fraud Anything More Than Smoke?
E Lukinova, M Myagkov, PC Ordeshook
Post-Soviet Affairs 27 (1), 37-63, 2011
Time preferences are reliable across time-horizons and verbal versus experiential tasks
E Lukinova, Y Wang, SF Lehrer, JC Erlich
ELife 8, e39656, 2019
Handbook of behavioral industrial organization
VJ Tremblay, E Schroeder, CH Tremblay
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018
Quantifying the contribution of individual variation in timing to delay-discounting
E Lukinova, JC Erlich
Scientific reports 11 (1), 18354, 2021
Sociality is not lost with monetary transactions within social groups
E Lukinova, T Babkina, A Sedush, I Menshikov, O Menshikova, ...
Влияние этапа социализации на поведение участников социально-экономического эксперимента
МА Лепская, ЕМ Лукинова, ОР Меньшикова, ИС Меньшиков
Труды, 68-69, 2015
Результативность участника лабораторных рынков в зависимости от его психологического типа
ЕМ Лукинова, ОР Меньшикова
ББК 22.1 Т78, 148, 2007
Differentiated responsibilities and prosocial behavior in climate change mitigation: Behavioral evidence from the United States and China
R Kline, N Seltzer, E Lukinova, A Bynum
Available at SSRN 2822093, 2016
Socialization as an effective mechanism of strategy alteration from individual to cooperative: some psychophysiological aspects
IS Menshikov, OR Menshikova, AO Sedush, TS Babkina, EM Lukinova
VIII Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM2016), 140-142, 2016
Choosing your teammates creates social identity and keeps cooperation rates high
E Lukinova, T Babkina, M Myagkov
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal …, 2015
Влияние денежных транзакций внутри социальных групп на уровень кооперации
ТС Бабкина, ЕМ Лукинова, ИС Меньшиков, ОР Меньшикова, ...
Тезисы докладов 58, 0
Detecting iodine deficiency risks from dietary transitions using shopping data
R Mansilla, G Long, S Welham, J Harvey, E Lukinova, G Nica-Avram, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1017, 2024
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Articles 1–20