Peter J. Molfese
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Cited by
Universal brain signature of proficient reading: Evidence from four contrasting languages
JG Rueckl, PM Paz-Alonso, PJ Molfese, WJ Kuo, A Bick, SJ Frost, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (50), 15510-15515, 2015
Idiosynchrony: From shared responses to individual differences during naturalistic neuroimaging
ES Finn, E Glerean, AY Khojandi, D Nielson, PJ Molfese, DA Handwerker, ...
NeuroImage 215, 116828, 2020
The relationship between phonological and auditory processing and brain organization in beginning readers
KR Pugh, N Landi, JL Preston, WE Mencl, AC Austin, D Sibley, ...
Brain and language 125 (2), 173-183, 2013
IQ is not strongly related to response to reading instruction: A meta-analytic interpretation
KK Stuebing, AE Barth, PJ Molfese, B Weiss, JM Fletcher
Exceptional children 76 (1), 31-51, 2009
Layer-dependent activity in human prefrontal cortex during working memory
ES Finn, L Huber, DC Jangraw, PJ Molfese, PA Bandettini
Nature neuroscience 22 (10), 1687-1695, 2019
Preschool student learning in literacy and mathematics: Impact of teacher experience, qualifications, and beliefs on an at-risk sample
ET Brown, VJ Molfese, P Molfese
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 13 (1), 106-126, 2008
Social exclusion in middle childhood: rejection events, slow-wave neural activity, and ostracism distress
MJ Crowley, J Wu, PJ Molfese, LC Mayes
Social neuroscience 5 (5-6), 483-495, 2010
Glutamate and choline levels predict individual differences in reading ability in emergent readers
KR Pugh, SJ Frost, DL Rothman, F Hoeft, SN Del Tufo, GF Mason, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (11), 4082-4089, 2014
Executive function skills of 6–8 year olds: Brain and behavioral evidence and implications for school achievement
VJ Molfese, PJ Molfese, DL Molfese, KM Rudasill, N Armstrong, G Starkey
Contemporary educational psychology 35 (2), 116-125, 2010
Print-speech convergence predicts future reading outcomes in early readers
JL Preston, PJ Molfese, SJ Frost, WE Mencl, RK Fulbright, F Hoeft, ...
Psychological science 27 (1), 75-84, 2016
Layer-specific activation of sensory input and predictive feedback in the human primary somatosensory cortex
Y Yu, L Huber, J Yang, DC Jangraw, DA Handwerker, PJ Molfese, ...
Science advances 5 (5), eaav9053, 2019
Prefrontal cortex, temporal cortex, and hippocampus volume are affected in suicidal psychiatric patients
SN Gosnell, KM Velasquez, DL Molfese, PJ Molfese, A Madan, JC Fowler, ...
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 256, 50-56, 2016
A developmental study of the feedback-related negativity from 10–17 years: age and sex effects for reward versus non-reward
MJ Crowley, J Wu, RE Hommer, M South, PJ Molfese, RMP Fearon, ...
Developmental neuropsychology 38 (8), 595-612, 2013
Neural correlates of language and non-language visuospatial processing in adolescents with reading disability
JJ Diehl, SJ Frost, G Sherman, WE Mencl, A Kurian, P Molfese, N Landi, ...
NeuroImage 101, 653-666, 2014
Temporal dynamics reveal atypical brain response to social exclusion in autism
JC McPartland, MJ Crowley, DR Perszyk, AJ Naples, CE Mukerji, J Wu, ...
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 1 (3), 271-279, 2011
Functionally integrated neural processing of linguistic and talker information: An event-related fMRI and ERP study
C Zhang, KR Pugh, WE Mencl, PJ Molfese, SJ Frost, JS Magnuson, ...
NeuroImage 124, 536-549, 2016
Prenatal cocaine exposure differentially affects stress responses in girls and boys: Associations with future substance use
TM Chaplin, KJ Visconti, PJ Molfese, EJ Susman, LC Klein, R Sinha, ...
Development and Psychopathology 27 (1), 163-180, 2015
Structural brain differences in school-age children with residual speech sound errors
JL Preston, PJ Molfese, WE Mencl, SJ Frost, F Hoeft, RK Fulbright, ...
Brain and language 128 (1), 25-33, 2014
Ventricular and periventricular anomalies in the aging and cognitively impaired brain
KL Todd, T Brighton, ES Norton, S Schick, W Elkins, O Pletnikova, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 9, 445, 2018
The BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Influences Reading Ability and Patterns of Neural Activation in Children
KK Jasińska, PJ Molfese, SA Kornilov, WE Mencl, SJ Frost, M Lee, ...
PloS one 11 (8), e0157449, 2016
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Articles 1–20