Articles with public access mandates - Angela Sasic KalagasidisLearn more
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Future moisture loads for building facades in Sweden: Climate change and wind-driven rain
VM Nik, SO Mundt-Petersen, AS Kalagasidis, P De Wilde
Building and Environment 93, 362-375, 2015
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Economic feasibility of building retrofitting mitigation potentials: Climate change uncertainties for Swedish cities
É Mata, J Wanemark, VM Nik, AS Kalagasidis
Applied Energy 242, 1022-1035, 2019
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Modelling opportunities and costs associated with energy conservation in the Spanish building stock
É Mata, GM Benejam, AS Kalagasidis, F Johnsson
Energy and Buildings 88, 347-360, 2015
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Thermal energy storage using phase change materials: Techno-economic evaluation of a cold storage installation in an office building
P Tan, P Lindberg, K Eichler, P Löveryd, P Johansson, AS Kalagasidis
Applied Energy 276, 115433, 2020
Mandates: European Commission, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Available somewhere: 29
Building-stock aggregation through archetype buildings: France, Germany, Spain and the UK
É Mata, AS Kalagasidis, F Johnsson
Building and Environment 81, 270-282, 2014
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
The effect of combining a relative-humidity-sensitive ventilation system with the moisture-buffering capacity of materials on indoor climate and energy efficiency of buildings
M Woloszyn, T Kalamees, MO Abadie, M Steeman, AS Kalagasidis
Building and Environment 44 (3), 515-524, 2009
Mandates: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Interior insulation retrofit of a historical brick wall using vacuum insulation panels: Hygrothermal numerical simulations and laboratory investigations
P Johansson, S Geving, CE Hagentoft, BP Jelle, E Rognvik, ...
Building and Environment 79, 31-45, 2014
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Effective and robust energy retrofitting measures for future climatic conditions—Reduced heating demand of Swedish households
VM Nik, E Mata, AS Kalagasidis, JL Scartezzini
Energy and Buildings 121, 176-187, 2016
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Retrofitting of a listed brick and wood building using vacuum insulation panels on the exterior of the facade: Measurements and simulations
P Johansson, CE Hagentoft, AS Kalagasidis
Energy and Buildings 73, 92-104, 2014
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Effect of phase separation and supercooling on the storage capacity in a commercial latent heat thermal energy storage: Experimental cycling of a salt hydrate PCM
P Tan, P Lindberg, K Eichler, P Löveryd, P Johansson, AS Kalagasidis
Journal of Energy Storage 29, 101266, 2020
Mandates: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Cost-effective retrofitting of Swedish residential buildings: effects of energy price developments and discount rates
É Mata, A Sasic Kalagasidis, F Johnsson
Energy Efficiency 8, 223-237, 2015
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
A statistical method for assessing retrofitting measures of buildings and ranking their robustness against climate change
VM Nik, É Mata, AS Kalagasidis
Energy and Buildings 88, 262-275, 2015
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Contributions of building retrofitting in five member states to EU targets for energy savings
E Mata, AS Kalagasidis, F Johnsson
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 93, 759-774, 2018
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Evaluation of 5 years’ performance of VIPs in a retrofitted building façade
P Johansson, B Adl-Zarrabi, AS Kalagasidis
Energy and Buildings 130, 488-494, 2016
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Assessment of district heating and cooling systems transition with respect to future changes in demand profiles and renewable energy supplies
Y Zhang, P Johansson, AS Kalagasidis
Energy Conversion and Management 268, 116038, 2022
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Characterizing phase change materials using the T-History method: On the factors influencing the accuracy and precision of the enthalpy-temperature curve
P Tan, M Brütting, S Vidi, HP Ebert, P Johansson, AS Kalagasidis
Thermochimica Acta 666, 212-228, 2018
Mandates: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Assessing the efficiency and robustness of the retrofitted building envelope against climate change
VM Nik, E Mata, AS Kalagasidis
Energy Procedia 78, 955-960, 2015
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Applicability of thermal energy storage in future low-temperature district heating systems–Case study using multi-scenario analysis
Y Zhang, P Johansson, AS Kalagasidis
Energy Conversion and Management 244, 114518, 2021
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Techno-economic assessment of thermal energy storage technologies for demand-side management in low-temperature individual heating systems
Y Zhang, P Johansson, AS Kalagasidis
Energy 236, 121496, 2021
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Investigating PCM activation using transient plane source method
P Johansson, AS Kalagasidis, H Jansson
Energy Procedia 78, 800-805, 2015
Mandates: European Commission
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