Chao Tong
Chao Tong
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Cited by
Storytelling and visualization: An extended survey
C Tong, R Roberts, R Borgo, S Walton, RS Laramee, K Wegba, A Lu, ...
Information 9 (3), 65, 2018
Interactive Analytical Treemaps for Visualisation of Call Centre Data.
RC Roberts, C Tong, RS Laramee, GA Smith, P Brookes, T D'Cruze
STAG, 109-117, 2016
Storytelling and Visualization: A Survey.
C Tong, RC Roberts, RS Laramee, K Wegba, A Lu, Y Wang, H Qu, Q Luo, ...
VISIGRAPP (3: IVAPP), 212-224, 2018
Cartographic Treemaps for Visualization of Public Healthcare Data.
C Tong, RC Roberts, RS Laramee, D Berridge, DS Thayer
CGVC, 29-42, 2017
Storytelling and visualization: an extended survey. Information 9 (3): 65
C Tong, R Roberts, R Borgo, S Walton, R Laramee, K Wegba, A Lu, ...
Visualization of input parameters for stream and pathline seeding
T McLoughlin, M Edmunds, C Tong, I Masters, G Chen, N Max, H Yeh, ...
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 6 (4), 2015
Cartograms with topological features
C Tong, L McNabb, RS Laramee
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Graphics & Visual Computing, 127-134, 2018
Time-Oriented Cartographic Treemaps for the Visualization of Public Healthcare Data
B Laramee, C Tong, L McNabb, B Laramee, J Lyons, A Walters, ...
Proceedings of the Computer Graphics and Visual Computing(CGVC) Conference, 2017
Design of a flow visualisation framework
M Edmunds, C Tong, RS Laramee
Computers 4 (1), 24-38, 2015
From Data Chaos to the Visualization Cosmos
C Tong, RS Laramee
Computer Graphics and Imaging, 2019
with Topological Features
C Tong, L McNabb, RS Laramee
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Articles 1–11