Jeffrey M Leis
Jeffrey M Leis
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Uni of Tasmania& Australian Museum Research Institute
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The pelagic stage of reef fishes: the larval biology of coral reef fishes
JM Leis
The ecology of fishes on coral reefs, 183-230, 1991
Sensory environments, larval abilities and local self-recruitment
MJ Kingsford, JM Leis, A Shanks, KC Lindeman, SG Morgan, J Pineda
Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (1), 309-340, 2002
Predicting self-recruitment in marine populations: biophysical correlates and mechanisms
S Sponaugle, RK Cowen, A Shanks, SG Morgan, JM Leis, J Pineda, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (1), 341-375, 2002
The larvae of Indo-Pacific coastal fishes: an identification guide to marine fish larvae
J Leis, B Carson-Ewart
Brill, 2021
Are larvae of demersal fishes plankton or nekton?
JM Leis
Advances in marine biology 51, 57-141, 2006
The Biology, Behavior, and Ecology of the Pelagic, Larval Stage of Coral Reef Fishes
JM Leis, MI McCormick
Coral reef fishes: dynamics and diversity in a complex ecosystem, 171, 2002
The larvae of Indo-Pacific shorefishes
JM Leis, T Trnski
Honolulu, HI (USA) Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1989
The larvae of Indo-Pacific coral reef fishes
JM Leis, DS Rennis
A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea
GR Alien, K Amaoka, WD Anderson Jr, DR Bellwood, EB Bohlke, ...
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 569-667, 2000
Climate change and coral reef connectivity
PL Munday, JM Leis, JM Lough, CB Paris, MJ Kingsford, ML Berumen, ...
Coral reefs 28, 379-395, 2009
Specimen collection: An essential tool
LA Rocha, A Aleixo, G Allen, F Almeda, CC Baldwin, MVL Barclay, ...
Science 344 (6186), 814-815, 2014
What the pelagic stages of coral reef fishes are doing out in blue water: daytime field observations of larval behavioural capabilities
JM Leis, HPA Sweatman, SE Reader
Marine and Freshwater Research 47 (2), 401-411, 1996
In situ swimming speeds of the late pelagic larvae of some Indo-Pacific coral-reef fishes
JM Leis, BM Carson-Ewart
Marine Ecology Progress Series 159, 165-174, 1997
Behaviour as input for modelling dispersal of fish larvae: behaviour, biogeography, hydrodynamics, ontogeny, physiology and phylogeny meet hydrography
JM Leis
Marine Ecology Progress Series 347, 185-193, 2007
Management under uncertainty: guide-lines for incorporating connectivity into the protection of coral reefs
LJ McCook, GR Almany, ML Berumen, JC Day, AL Green, GP Jones, ...
Coral reefs 28, 353-366, 2009
Critical swimming speeds of late-stage coral reef fish larvae: variation within species, among species and between locations
R Fisher, JM Leis, DL Clark, SK Wilson
Marine Biology 147, 1201-1212, 2005
Understanding interactions between plasticity, adaptation and range shifts in response to marine environmental change
JM Donelson, JM Sunday, WF Figueira, JD Gaitán-Espitia, AJ Hobday, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1768), 20180186, 2019
Vertical and horizontal distribution of fish larvae near coral reefs at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef
JM Leis
Marine Biology 90, 505-516, 1986
Offshore distributional patterns of Hawaiian fish larvae
JM Leis, JM Miller
Marine Biology 36, 359-367, 1976
How Nemo finds home: the neuroecology of dispersal and of population connectivity in larvae of marine fishes
JM Leis, U Siebeck, DL Dixson
Integrative and comparative biology 51 (5), 826-843, 2011
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Articles 1–20