JP Chen
JP Chen
Dept. Atmospheric Sciences & Intl. Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable
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Impact of aerosols on convective clouds and precipitation
WK Tao, JP Chen, Z Li, C Wang, C Zhang
Reviews of Geophysics 50, RG2001, 2012
A classical-theory-based parameterization of heterogeneous ice nucleation by mineral dust, soot, and biological particles in a global climate model
C Hoose, JE Kristjánsson, JP Chen, A Hazra
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67 (8), 2483-2503, 2010
Temperature dependence of global precipitation extremes
SC Liu, C Fu, CJ Shiu, JP Chen, F Wu
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (17), 2009
The theoretical basis for the parameterization of ice crystal habits: Growth by vapor deposition
JP Chen, D Lamb
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 51 (9), 1206-1222, 1994
Simulation of cloud microphysical and chemical processes using a multicomponent framework. Part I: Description of the microphysical model
JP Chen, D Lamb
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 51 (18), 2613-2630, 1994
Analysis of the relationship between MODIS aerosol optical depth and particulate matter from 2006 to 2008
TC Tsai, YJ Jeng, DA Chu, JP Chen, SC Chang
Atmospheric Environment 45 (27), 4777-4788, 2011
Parameterizing ice nucleation rates using contact angle and activation energy derived from laboratory data
JP Chen, A Hazra, Z Levin
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (24), 7431-7449, 2008
Aerosol input to the South China Sea: Results from the MODerate resolution imaging spectro-radiometer, the quick scatterometer, and the measurements of pollution in the …
II Lin, JP Chen, GTF Wong, CW Huang, CC Lien
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54 (14-15), 1589-1601, 2007
Theory of deliquescence and modified Köhler curves
JP Chen
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 51 (23), 3505-3516, 1994
Potential impacts of electric vehicles on air quality in Taiwan
N Li, JP Chen, IC Tsai, Q He, SY Chi, YC Lin, TM Fu
Science of The Total Environment 566, 919-928, 2016
Fertilization potential of volcanic dust in the low‐nutrient low‐chlorophyll western North Pacific subtropical gyre: Satellite evidence and laboratory study
II Lin, C Hu, YH Li, TY Ho, TP Fischer, GTF Wong, J Wu, CW Huang, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25, GB1006, 2011
Interpreting aerosol lidar profiles to better estimate surface PM2.5 for columnar AOD measurements
D. A. Chu, T.-C. Tsai, J.-P. Chen, S.-C. Chang, Y.-J. Jeng, W.-L. Chiang, N ...
Atmos. Environ. 79, 172-187, 2013
Diurnally asymmetric trends of temperature, humidity, and precipitation in Taiwan
CJ Shiu, SC Liu, JP Chen
Journal of climate 22 (21), 5635-5649, 2009
Simulation of the effects of increasing cloud condensation nuclei on mixed-phase clouds and precipitation of a front system
CT Cheng, WC Wang, JP Chen
Atmospheric Research 96 (2), 461-476, 2010
Taiwan Earth System Model Version 1: description and evaluation of mean state
WL Lee, YC Wang, CJ Shiu, I Tsai, CY Tu, YY Lan, JP Chen, HL Pan, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 13 (9), 3887-3904, 2020
Observational and numerical study of a microburst line-producing storm
MR Hjelmfelt, RD Roberts, HD Orville, JP Chen, FJ Kopp
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 46 (17), 2731-2744, 1989
A modelling study of aerosol impacts on cloud microphysics and radiative properties
CT Cheng, WC Wang, JP Chen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 133 (623), 283-297, 2007
Physically based two‐moment bulkwater parametrization for warm‐cloud microphysics
JP Chen, ST Liu
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 130 (596), 51-78, 2004
Role of interactions between aerosol radiative effect, dynamics, and cloud microphysics on transitions of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations
A Hazra, BN Goswami, JP Chen
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70 (7), 2073-2087, 2013
Tropospheric ozone over the North Pacific from ozonesonde observations
SJ Oltmans, BJ Johnson, JM Harris, AM Thompson, HY Liu, CY Chan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012) 109 (D15), 2004
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