Articles with public access mandates - Mark P TaylorLearn more
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The obstinate passion of foreign exchange professionals: technical analysis
L Menkhoff, MP Taylor
Journal of Economic Literature 45 (4), 936-972, 2007
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Global political risk and currency momentum
I Filippou, AE Gozluklu, MP Taylor
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 53 (5), 2227-2259, 2018
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Long-term outcomes of generalized tonic-clonic seizures in a childhood absence epilepsy trial
S Shinnar, A Cnaan, F Hu, P Clark, D Dlugos, DG Hirtz, D Masur, ...
Neurology 85 (13), 1108-1114, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Common macro factors and currency premia
I Filippou, MP Taylor
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 52 (4), 1731-1763, 2017
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
The out-of-sample performance of carry trades
PH Hsu, MP Taylor, Z Wang
Available at SSRN 3158101, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Detection of Surface Defects on Fine Metallic Wires by Stimulated Cathode Emission
M Mestayer, S Christo, M Taylor
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), Newport News, VA …, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
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