siba sankar mahapatra
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Cited by
Parametric appraisal of mechanical property of fused deposition modelling processed parts
AK Sood, RK Ohdar, SS Mahapatra
Materials & Design 31 (1), 287-295, 2010
Improving dimensional accuracy of fused deposition modelling processed part using grey Taguchi method
AK Sood, RK Ohdar, SS Mahapatra
Materials & design 30 (10), 4243-4252, 2009
Experimental investigation and empirical modelling of FDM process for compressive strength improvement
AK Sood, RK Ohdar, SS Mahapatra
Journal of Advanced Research 3 (1), 81-90, 2012
Optimization of wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) process parameters using Taguchi method
SS Mahapatra, A Patnaik
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 34, 911-925, 2007
Service quality evaluation in internet banking: an empirical study in India
MS Khan, SS Mahapatra
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 2 (1), 30-46, 2009
Optimization of fused deposition modelling (FDM) process parameters using bacterial foraging technique
SK Panda, S Padhee, S Anoop Kumar, SS Mahapatra
Intelligent information management 1 (02), 89, 2009
Modeling, simulation and parametric optimization of wire EDM process using response surface methodology coupled with grey-Taguchi technique
S Datta, S Mahapatra
International journal of engineering, science and technology 2 (5), 162-183, 2010
Analysis of barriers for reverse logistics: an Indian perspective
SK Sharma, BN Panda, SS Mahapatra, S Sahu
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization 1 (2), 101, 2011
An improved demand forecasting method to reduce bullwhip effect in supply chains
S Jaipuria, SS Mahapatra
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (5), 2395-2408, 2014
Parametric optimization of wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) process using Taguchi method
SS Mahapatra, A Patnaik
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 28 …, 2006
Study on mechanical and erosion wear behavior of hybrid composites using Taguchi experimental design
SS Mahapatra, A Patnaik
Materials & Design 30 (8), 2791-2801, 2009
Parametric appraisal of fused deposition modelling process using the grey Taguchi method
AK Sood, RK Ohdar, SS Mahapatra
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2010
Artificial neural network (ANN) approach for modelling of arsenic (III) biosorption from aqueous solution by living cells of Bacillus cereus biomass
AK Giri, RK Patel, SS Mahapatra
Chemical Engineering Journal 178, 15-25, 2011
An investigation on sliding wear of FDM built parts
AK Sood, A Equbal, V Toppo, RK Ohdar, SS Mahapatra
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 5 (1), 48-54, 2012
A study on dimensional accuracy of fused deposition modeling (FDM) processed parts using fuzzy logic
RK Sahu, SS Mahapatra, AK Sood
Journal for Manufacturing Science & Production 13 (3), 183-197, 2013
A neural network approach for assessing quality in technical education: an empirical study
SS Mahapatra, MS Khan
International journal of productivity and quality management 2 (3), 287-306, 2007
A quantum behaved particle swarm optimization for flexible job shop scheduling
MR Singh, SS Mahapatra
Computers & Industrial Engineering 93, 36-44, 2016
Taguchi method applied to parametric appraisal of erosion behavior of GF-reinforced polyester composites
SS Mahapatra, A Patnaik, A Satapathy
Wear 265 (1-2), 214-222, 2008
Process characterisation of 3D-printed FDM components using improved evolutionary computational approach
V Vijayaraghavan, A Garg, JSL Lam, B Panda, SS Mahapatra
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 78, 781-793, 2015
A comparative study on different ceramic fillers affecting mechanical properties of glass—polyester composites
A Patnaik, A Satapathy, SS Mahapatra, RR Dash
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 28 (11), 1305-1318, 2009
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Articles 1–20