Articles with public access mandates - Christopher KuzdasLearn more
Available somewhere: 4
Sustainability assessment of water governance alternatives: the case of Guanacaste Costa Rica
C Kuzdas, BP Warner, A Wiek, R Vignola, M Yglesias, DL Childers
Sustainability Science 11, 231-247, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Identifying the potential of governance regimes to aggravate or mitigate local water conflicts in regions threatened by climate change
C Kuzdas, B Warner, A Wiek, M Yglesias, R Vignola, A Ramírez-Cover
Local Environment 21 (11), 1387-1408, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Manufactured global-change risk pathways in industrial-based agrarian development
BP Warner, C Kuzdas
Climate and Development 8 (5), 385-396, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Smallholder Adaptation to Drought in Costa Rica's Crony Capitalist Rice Economy
BP Warner, DL Childers, C Kuzdas, G Stocks
Development and Change 49 (6), 1392-1421, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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