Emna Ben Abdallah
Emna Ben Abdallah
PhD, École Centrale de Nantes
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Cited by
ASP-based method for the enumeration of attractors in non-deterministic synchronous and asynchronous multi-valued networks
E Ben Abdallah, M Folschette, O Roux, M Magnin
Algorithms for Molecular Biology 12, 1-23, 2017
Exhaustive analysis of dynamical properties of biological regulatory networks with answer set programming
EB Abdallah, M Folschette, O Roux, M Magnin
2015 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2015
Formal modeling of mTOR associated biological regulatory network reveals novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of cancer
Z Bibi, J Ahmad, A Siddiqa, RZ Paracha, T Saeed, A Ali, HA Janjua, ...
Frontiers in physiology 8, 416, 2017
Inference of delayed biological regulatory networks from time series data
E Ben Abdallah, T Ribeiro, M Magnin, O Roux, K Inoue
Computational Methods in Systems Biology: 14th International Conference …, 2016
Modeling delayed dynamics in biological regulatory networks from time series data
E Ben Abdallah, T Ribeiro, M Magnin, O Roux, K Inoue
Algorithms 10 (1), 8, 2017
Analyzing Long‐Term Dynamics of Biological Networks With Answer Set Programming
E Ben Abdallah, M Folschette, M Magnin
Systems Biology Modelling and Analysis: Formal Bioinformatics Methods and …, 2022
Étude de la dynamique des réseaux biologiques: apprentissage des modèles, intégration des données temporelles et analyse formelle des propriétés dynamiques
EB Abdallah
École centrale de Nantes, 2017
Learning Delays in Biological Regulatory Networks from Time Series Data
EB Abdallah, T Ribeiro, M Magnin, O Roux, K Inoue
Genomics and Computational Biology 3 (2), 2017
Theekshana Abayawickrama Emna Ben Abdallah 281 Vida Abedi 680
P Abo1maesumi, D Adjeroh, T Afrin, K Agarwal, KS Aggour, A Agrawal, ...
Exhaustive search of dynamical properties in Process Hitting using Answer Set Programming
EB Abdallah
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Articles 1–10