Stephanie Y Chen
Stephanie Y Chen
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Beliefs about the causal structure of the self-concept determine which changes disrupt personal identity
SY Chen, O Urminsky, DM Bartels
Psychological Science 27 (10), 1398-1406, 2016
Implicit and explicit processes in category-based induction: Is induction best when we don’t think?
SY Chen, BH Ross, GL Murphy
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (1), 227, 2014
Reasoning with uncertain categories
GL Murphy, SY Chen, BH Ross
Thinking & Reasoning 18 (1), 81-117, 2012
The role of causal beliefs in political identity and voting
SY Chen, O Urminsky
Cognition 188, 27-38, 2019
Decision making under uncertain categorization
SY Chen, BH Ross, GL Murphy
Frontiers in psychology 5, 991, 2014
How personal theories of the self shape beliefs about personal continuity and transformative experience
S Molouki, SY Chen, O Urminsky, DM Bartels
Becoming someone new: Essays on transformative experience, choice, and …, 2020
What’s left of me?
S Chen, O Urminsky
Experimental philosophy of identity and the self. London, Bloomsbury, 71-85, 2022
Economic impact of switching from metoprolol to nebivolol for hypertension treatment: a retrospective database analysis
S Chen, S Tourkodimitris, T Lukic
Journal of Medical Economics 17 (10), 685-690, 2014
We Do What We Are: Representation of the Self-Concept and Identity-Based Choice
S Chen, O Urminsky, J Yu
Journal of Consumer Research, 2023
Eyetracking reveals multiple-category use in induction.
SY Chen, BH Ross, GL Murphy
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42 (7), 1050, 2016
Reasoning About Diverse Evidence in Preference Predictions.
R Meng, SY Chen, DM Bartels
CogSci, 2015
Consumers Prefer Complex Algorithms
Z Khon, SGB Johnson, H Hang, S Chen
TMS Proceedings 2021, 2021
People Prefer Complex Algorithms: The Effect of Algorithm Complexity on Algorithm Aversion
Z Khon, H Hang, S Chen, S Johnson
Social BRIDGES Conference 2021, 2021
Algorithm Preference and Complexity
Z Khon, H Hang, S Chen, S Johnson
European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 2021 Doctoral Colloquium, 2021
Causal beliefs in the self-concept and identity-based consumption
SY Chen
Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing, 298-312, 2019
Reexamining Complexity: Dimensionality and Information Density in Consumer Decision Making
N Light
Advances in Consumer Research 47, 185-189, 2019
The complexity of consumer identity: how consumer choices and outcomes are driven by the dynamic and multi-faceted self
SY Chen
Advances in Consumer Research 46, 237-241, 2018
The Complexity of Consumer Identity: How Consumer Choices and Outcomes are Driven by the Dynamic and Multi-Faceted Self
I Paul, JR Parker, SL Dommer, SY Chen, JS Reiff, HE Hershfield, ...
Advances in Consumer Research 46, 2018
Not All (brand) Changes Are Made Equal: Understanding Which Changes Impact Brand Loyalty
S Chen, O Urminsky
Available at SSRN 3448162, 2017
Valuing Dissimilarity: the Role of Diversity in Preference Predictions
R Meng, SY Chen, DM Bartels
ACR North American Advances, 2015
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Articles 1–20