Sevinç Ulusoy
Sevinç Ulusoy
Cansağlığı Vakfı Bağlamsal Davranış Bilimleri Merkezi- CSF Center for Contextual Behavioral Science
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Turkish version of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II): A reliability and validity analysis in clinical and non-clinical samples
F Yavuz, S Ulusoy, M Iskin, FB Esen, HS Burhan, ME Karadere, N Yavuz
Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 26 …, 2016
A proposed framework based on literature review of online contextual mental health services to enhance wellbeing and address psychopathology during COVID-19
A Tanhan, KF Yavuz, JS Young, A Nalbant, G Arslan, M Yildirim, S Ulusoy, ...
Experiential avoidance, empathy, and anger-related attitudesin antisocial personality disorder
KF Yavuz, O Şahin, S Ulusoy, OU Ipek, E Kurt
Turkish journal of medical sciences 46 (6), 1792-1800, 2016
Sınav kaygısına yönelik bilişsel grup terapisi
S Ulusoy, KF Yavuz, FB Esen, G Umut, HT Karatepe
Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi ve Araştırmalar Dergisi 1, 28-37, 2016
Maladaptive cognitive content and attitudes accompanying tension type headache and migraine
KF Yavuz, N Yavuz, S Ulusoy, İ Alnıak, HNG Güneş
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 26 (1), 12, 2013
Engelli çocukların bakımverenlerinde başa çıkma tutumları ve depresif belirti düzeylerinin bakım yükü ile ilişkisi
S Ulusoy, G Cantürk, Z Çelik, S Mutlu, C Cantürk Kaya, M Terzioğlu, ...
Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi ve Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2021
Aripiprazole treatment for choreoathetoid and psychotic symptoms of Huntington’s disease
KF Yavuz, S Ulusoy, İ Alnıak
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 25 (2), E31-E31, 2013
Metacognitive and meta-emotional styles in patients with alcohol and the other substance dependence
OU Ipek, KF Yavuz, S Ulusoy, O Sahin, E Kurt
International Journal of High Risk Behaviors & Addiction 4 (3), 2015
Turkish Version of AAQ-II: Preliminary analysis of reliability and validity
F Yavuz, M Iskin, S Ulusoy, FB Esen, HS Burhan
ACBS Annual World Conference 12, 17-22, 2014
Ergenlerde kendine zarar verme davranışına eşlik eden duygusal şemalar.
KF Yavuz, N Yavuz, S Ulusoy, G Özgen
Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry/Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 18 (1), 2017
Gerilim ve Migren Tipi Bas Agrilarina Eslik Eden Islevsel Olmayan Bilissel Içerikler ve Tutumlar/Maladaptive cognitive content and attitudes accompanying tension type headache …
KF Yavuz, N Yavuz, S Ulusoy, I Alniak, HNG Günes
Dusunen Adam 26 (1), 12, 2013
Exploring the “insight paradox” in treatment-resistant schizophrenia: correlations between dimensions of insight and depressive symptoms in patients receiving clozapine
S Dönmezler, G İskender, N Fıstıkcı, Y Altunkaynak, S Ulusoy, TD Berkol
Alpha psychiatry 24 (3), 102, 2023
Burned out and avoided: Stigmatizing processes among psychiarists
K Fatih Yavuz, A Nalbant, S Ulusoy, B Esen, HS Burhan, T Kara
Psychiatria Danubina 32 (suppl. 4), 463-470, 2020
Obsesif kompulsif bozuklukta üst-bilişsel süreçler ve duygusal şemaların rolü
S Ulusoy, FK Yavuz, T Kara, ME Karadere
Bilişsel ve Davranışsal Psikoterapiler Derneği, 2015
The silent cry of healthcare workers: A cross-sectional study on levels and determinants of burnout among healthcare workers after first year of the pandemic in Turkey
S Ulusoy, Z Çelik
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 32 (1), 63, 2022
Covid-19 sürecinde internet tabanlı müdahaleler bir seçenek olabilir mi
S Ulusoy, Z Çelik
Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi ve Araştırmalar Dergisi 9 (2), 166-169, 2020
The role of individual assessment on increasing the functionality of a person with schizophrenia
S Ulusoy, M Arslan Delice
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 28 (2), 162, 2015
What do repetitive thinking styles tell about hyperemesis gravidarum?
F Yavuz, S Ulusoy, E Cebeci, S Sen
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 28 (2), 170-176, 2018
Psikotik belirtilerle giden atipik lokalizasyonlu bir nörosifilis olgusu
KF Yavuz, S Ulusoy, H Selçuk, H Erkmen
Dusunen Adam 24 (4), 340, 2011
Reliability and validity study of the Turkish version of the bipolar spectrum diagnostic scale
B İnce, A Cansız, S Ulusoy, KF Yavuz, E Kurt, K Altınbaş
Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 2019
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Articles 1–20